servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

Idol be busca Game designer

Texto de la oferta:

Necesitamos diseñar unas métricas adictivas para un juego que consiste en cantar. Trabajo en remoto.

Requisitos mínimos:

Conocimiento en profundidad de métricas adictivas para el funcionamiento del juego, (cuándo te deben matar, cuándo debe aparecerte un bonus, en qué momento debe de tener éxito el jugador etc.) experiencia previa es un plus.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

ESDi Escola Superior de Disseny busca Profesor de Rigging (Rigger)

Tipo de jornada:

Jornada parcial – Tarde

Texto de la oferta:

La Escola Superior de Disseny ESDi, ubicada en Sabadell, Barcelona, busca un docente altamente capacitado y motivado para impartir una asignatura de “Rigging” dentro del Ciclo Formativo de Grado Superior (CFGS) de Animaciones 3D, Juegos y Entornos Interactivos. Este puesto es para trabajo presencial en horario de tardes.

Trabajo presencial en ESDi Sabadell, Barcelona.
Horario de tardes.
Cómo Aplicar: Enviar el currículum vitae y una carta de presentación detallando la experiencia relevante y la motivación para el puesto a la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico:

Requisitos mínimos:

Título universitario o CFGS con campo relacionado
Habilidades demostrables en Rigging
Altos conocimientos en Autodesk Maya (no se trabajará en Blender)
Capacidad para comunicar conceptos complejos de manera clara y efectiva.
Experiencia previa en docencia es altamente valorada.
Habilidades interpersonales y de trabajo en equipo.

Requisitos deseados:

Máster en formación del profesorado
Estar actualmente activo en el campo de la animación


Impartir clases teóricas y prácticas de la asignatura
Supervisar y orientar a los estudiantes en el desarrollo de sus proyectos.
Mantenerse actualizado con las últimas tendencias y tecnologías en el campo de la animación y el desarrollo de juegos.
Evaluar el progreso de los estudiantes y proporcionar retroalimentación constructiva.
Colaborar con otros docentes y personal administrativo para asegurar una experiencia educativa de alta calidad.
Crear la organización de sus clases

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

MercurySteam busca Lighting Artist

trabajos: Empresa: MercurySteam
Actividades: Desarrollo de videojuegos

Información acerca de la empresa:
MercurySteam es el único estudio plenamente metroidvania. Metroid, como desarrollador de Samus Returns y Dread, ambos galardonados con un GOTY durante la ceremonia anual de los Game Awards. Vania como los creadores de la saga Lord of Shadows, tres juegos que redefinieron el clásico de Konami como una remozada aventura 3D.


MercurySteam is the only worldwide studio fully metroidvania. Metroid as the developer of Samus Returns and Dread, both prized with a GOTY award in the Game Awards Ceremony. Vania as the creator of Lord of Shadows franchise, three games that redefined the Konami classic as a modern 3D adventure.

Tipo de contrato:

Contrato indefinido

Tipo de jornada:

Jornada completa

Texto de la oferta:

MercurySteam, estudio AAA español, continúa creciendo y mejorando con el afán de seguir desarrollando experiencias que emocionen a jugadores de todo el mundo y en todas las plataformas como “Castlevania Lords of Shadow”, “Spacelords”, “Metroid: Samus Returns” y “Metroid Dread”. Para ello estamos en busca de un/una LIGHTING ARTIST que se incorpore al equipo y nos acompañe en nuestras aventuras. ¿Quieres ser tú?

Requisitos mínimos:

• Conocimiento técnico y artístico de iluminación en motores de videojuegos.
• Conocimiento de la composición y teoría del color.
• Experiencia en la creación de iluminación para escenarios.
• Conocimientos sólidos de PBR y render pipeline de motores realtime.

Requisitos deseados:

• Capacidad para trabajar en equipo, comunicarse con otros departamentos y recibir feedback.
• Conocimiento de 3D Max.
• Experiencia en la industria del videojuego.


• Hacemos juegos AAA con un gran componente artesanal en los que todos los integrantes del equipo contribuyen activamente.
• Entre 29 y 34 días de vacaciones al año: 23 de ellos a tu libre elección y el resto durante el periodo navideño y completamente financiados por el estudio.
• El equilibrio entre la vida laboral y personal es algo que respetamos, protegemos e incentivamos.
• Dispondrás de hasta un mes de teletrabajo al año, dividido a tu libre elección, para que puedas organizarte con la mayor flexibilidad.
• No alimentamos la cultura del Crunch.
• Participación en beneficios al tercer año.
• Seguro médico privado.
• Mejora constante de nuestras herramientas y procesos para que puedas centrarte en la creatividad.
• Excelente ambiente de trabajo en compañía de profesionales altamente cualificados, que te ayudarán a sacar partido de tu potencial.
• Salario acorde a experiencia y capacidades.

— Contacto —

Si quieres formar parte de nuestro equipo, envíanos tu CV y enlace a tu porfolio/reel a: Asunto: Lighting Artist – Nombre candidata/o

Todas las muestras recibidas se considerarán confidenciales.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

kotoc busca Junior/mid Departamento de Animación

trabajos: Empresa: Kotoc

Tipo de jornada:

Jornada intensiva – Mañana

Texto de la oferta:

Abrimos proceso de selección para el departamento de animación. Incorporación 28 de agosto de 2024.
No enviar emails y no llamar, aplicar a través del formulario. Gracias.

Requisitos mínimos:

Buscamos un perfil creativo que sepa dotar de vida y appeal a personajes para una producción de acción/aventuras.

Requisitos Mínimos:
-Animación: controlar los principios de animación básicos, conseguir animaciones atractivas tanto en escenas de acción (body mechanics) como emocionales. El estilo que usamos está entre el cartoon y el realista.
-Storytelling: conseguir que las animaciones sean entretenidas, que los personajes se comuniquen entre ellos sin atropellarse.

El ritmo de trabajo es de 140 frames diarios aprobados.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

Prodigy Media busca Graphic Designer – Amazon Specialist

trabajos: Tipo de contrato:

Contrato indefinido

Tipo de jornada:

Jornada completa

Texto de la oferta:

We are seeking a talented Graphic Designer with a specialization in Amazon listings to join our team. The ideal candidate will have a strong portfolio demonstrating expertise in creating high-quality images, EBC (Enhanced Brand Content) banners, and other visual assets that drive engagement and sales on Amazon

Requisitos mínimos:

– Experience working in a fast-paced digital marketing or e-commerce environment.
– Knowledge of 3D rendering software is a plus.
– Familiarity with other e-commerce platforms (eBay, Shopify) is advantageous.

Requisitos deseados:

– Proven experience in graphic design, with a focus on e-commerce and Amazon listings.
– Strong portfolio showcasing your expertise in designing for Amazon, including listing images and EBC banners.
– Proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign).
– Excellent understanding of Amazon’s guidelines and best practices for product images and content.
– Strong attention to detail and ability to meet tight deadlines.
– Effective communication skills and the ability to collaborate with a remote team.
– Availability to overlap with PST time zone hours (7 AM to 3 PM).


– Design and develop high-quality images for Amazon product listings, including lifestyle images, infographics, and product detail images.
– Create compelling EBC (Enhanced Brand Content) banners that align with brand guidelines and enhance the customer experience.
– Collaborate closely with our marketing and product teams to understand project requirements and deliver designs that meet our clients’ needs.
– Ensure all designs are optimized for Amazon’s platform and adhere to their guidelines and specifications.
– Continuously stay updated with the latest trends and best practices in Amazon listing designs and e-commerce visuals.


– Competitive salary based on experience
– Flexible remote work environment
– Opportunity for growth and advancement within the company
– Collaborative and supportive team culture
– Access to ongoing training and development resources

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

Frame Games busca Profesor Game Design

trabajos: Empresa: Frame Games
Actividades: Animación 3D
Arte conceptual
Contenidos para móviles
Desarrollo de aplicaciones
Desarrollo de videojuegos
Desarrollo web
Diseño 3D
Diseño gráfico
Edición de videojuegos
Formación en videojuegos y multimedia
Producción audiovisual
Realidad virtual
Simulación 3D

Número de trabajadores: 10
Información acerca de la empresa:
Frame Games,
Es una escuela de arte digital y programación. Realizamos grados especializados de 3 años enfocados a conseguir buen nivel educativo para nuestros alumnos.
Nuestro centro cuenta con 8 aulas totalmente equipadas con equipos de ultima generación.
El centro es muy soleado y dispone una zona de ocio para los alumnos, donde aprenderán a comunicarse y entablaran amistades.
Estas aulas son de numero reducido de alumnos, máximo 11 alumnos por clase. Queremos ofrecer calidad y no cantidad.
Con todos nuestros grados ofrecemos clases de ingles gratuitas enfocadas al mundo laboral.

Los grados que ofrecemos son:
– Animación 3D
– Modelado 3D
– Animación 2D
– VFX efectos especiales
– Programación y diseño de videojuegos
– Concept art
– Diseño grafico y motion graphics

Tipo de contrato:


Texto de la oferta:

Frame Games es un nuevo centro de arte digital y programación.
Ofrecemos grados especializados a alumnos que tienen una base en 3D, ya sea por que han sido autodidactas o han realizado un ciclo formativo de grado superior.

El objetivo de Frame Games es ser las mejor escuela de creación de videojuegos de Cataluña. Por ese motivo buscamos profesores activos en la industria y con ganas de enseñar sus conocimientos a nuevos alumnos.

Actualmente buscamos:

– Profesor de Game Design

Requisitos mínimos:

Requisitos mínimos

– 2 años de experiencia y currículum.
– Aptitud para impartir clases a adultos ya con una base de 3D
– Adaptabilidad y creación de temario para clases de game design
– Pasión por los videojuegos.
– Conocimiento de diseño de juegos.
– Habilidades creativas e innovadoras.
– Conocimiento técnico.
– Habilidades de comunicación efectiva.
– Pensamiento analítico.
– Experiencia con herramientas de diseño de juegos como Unreal Engine y Unity

Requisitos deseados:

Requisitos deseados

– 5 años o más de experiencia diseñando videojuegos



Impartir clases teóricas y prácticas, preparación de materiales de enseñanza, supervisión y evaluación del trabajo de los estudiantes y participar en proyectos etc…



– Trabajar con alumnos que disponen ya una base de 3D
– Trabajar conjunto a profesores que están en activo en la industria
– Posibilidad a futuro de aumentar las horas de clase.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

MercurySteam busca Lighting Artist

Empresa: MercurySteam
Actividades: Desarrollo de videojuegos

Información acerca de la empresa:
MercurySteam es el único estudio plenamente metroidvania. Metroid, como desarrollador de Samus Returns y Dread, ambos galardonados con un GOTY durante la ceremonia anual de los Game Awards. Vania como los creadores de la saga Lord of Shadows, tres juegos que redefinieron el clásico de Konami como una remozada aventura 3D.


MercurySteam is the only worldwide studio fully metroidvania. Metroid as the developer of Samus Returns and Dread, both prized with a GOTY award in the Game Awards Ceremony. Vania as the creator of Lord of Shadows franchise, three games that redefined the Konami classic as a modern 3D adventure.

Tipo de contrato:

Contrato indefinido

Tipo de jornada:

Jornada completa

Texto de la oferta:

MercurySteam, estudio AAA español, continúa creciendo y mejorando con el afán de seguir desarrollando experiencias que emocionen a jugadores de todo el mundo y en todas las plataformas como “Castlevania Lords of Shadow”, “Spacelords”, “Metroid: Samus Returns” y “Metroid Dread”. Para ello estamos en busca de un/una LIGHTING ARTIST que se incorpore al equipo y nos acompañe en nuestras aventuras. ¿Quieres ser tú?

Requisitos mínimos:

• Conocimiento técnico y artístico de iluminación en motores de videojuegos.
• Conocimiento de la composición y teoría del color.
• Experiencia en la creación de iluminación para escenarios.
• Conocimientos sólidos de PBR y render pipeline de motores realtime.

Requisitos deseados:

• Capacidad para trabajar en equipo, comunicarse con otros departamentos y recibir feedback.
• Conocimiento de 3D Max.
• Experiencia en la industria del videojuego.


• Hacemos juegos AAA con un gran componente artesanal en los que todos los integrantes del equipo contribuyen activamente.
• Entre 29 y 34 días de vacaciones al año: 23 de ellos a tu libre elección y el resto durante el periodo navideño y completamente financiados por el estudio.
• El equilibrio entre la vida laboral y personal es algo que respetamos, protegemos e incentivamos.
• Dispondrás de hasta un mes de teletrabajo al año, dividido a tu libre elección, para que puedas organizarte con la mayor flexibilidad.
• No alimentamos la cultura del Crunch.
• Participación en beneficios al tercer año.
• Seguro médico privado.
• Mejora constante de nuestras herramientas y procesos para que puedas centrarte en la creatividad.
• Excelente ambiente de trabajo en compañía de profesionales altamente cualificados, que te ayudarán a sacar partido de tu potencial.
• Salario acorde a experiencia y capacidades.

— Contacto —

Si quieres formar parte de nuestro equipo, envíanos tu CV y enlace a tu porfolio/reel a: Asunto: Lighting Artist – Nombre candidata/o

Todas las muestras recibidas se considerarán confidenciales.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

MercurySteam busca Lighting Artist

Empresa: MercurySteam
Actividades: Desarrollo de videojuegos

Información acerca de la empresa:
MercurySteam es el único estudio plenamente metroidvania. Metroid, como desarrollador de Samus Returns y Dread, ambos galardonados con un GOTY durante la ceremonia anual de los Game Awards. Vania como los creadores de la saga Lord of Shadows, tres juegos que redefinieron el clásico de Konami como una remozada aventura 3D.


MercurySteam is the only worldwide studio fully metroidvania. Metroid as the developer of Samus Returns and Dread, both prized with a GOTY award in the Game Awards Ceremony. Vania as the creator of Lord of Shadows franchise, three games that redefined the Konami classic as a modern 3D adventure.

Tipo de contrato:

Contrato indefinido

Tipo de jornada:

Jornada completa

Texto de la oferta:

MercurySteam, estudio AAA español, continúa creciendo y mejorando con el afán de seguir desarrollando experiencias que emocionen a jugadores de todo el mundo y en todas las plataformas como “Castlevania Lords of Shadow”, “Spacelords”, “Metroid: Samus Returns” y “Metroid Dread”. Para ello estamos en busca de un/una LIGHTING ARTIST que se incorpore al equipo y nos acompañe en nuestras aventuras. ¿Quieres ser tú?

Requisitos mínimos:

• Conocimiento técnico y artístico de iluminación en motores de videojuegos.
• Conocimiento de la composición y teoría del color.
• Experiencia en la creación de iluminación para escenarios.
• Conocimientos sólidos de PBR y render pipeline de motores realtime.

Requisitos deseados:

• Capacidad para trabajar en equipo, comunicarse con otros departamentos y recibir feedback.
• Conocimiento de 3D Max.
• Experiencia en la industria del videojuego.


• Hacemos juegos AAA con un gran componente artesanal en los que todos los integrantes del equipo contribuyen activamente.
• Entre 29 y 34 días de vacaciones al año: 23 de ellos a tu libre elección y el resto durante el periodo navideño y completamente financiados por el estudio.
• El equilibrio entre la vida laboral y personal es algo que respetamos, protegemos e incentivamos.
• Dispondrás de hasta un mes de teletrabajo al año, dividido a tu libre elección, para que puedas organizarte con la mayor flexibilidad.
• No alimentamos la cultura del Crunch.
• Participación en beneficios al tercer año.
• Seguro médico privado.
• Mejora constante de nuestras herramientas y procesos para que puedas centrarte en la creatividad.
• Excelente ambiente de trabajo en compañía de profesionales altamente cualificados, que te ayudarán a sacar partido de tu potencial.
• Salario acorde a experiencia y capacidades.

— Contacto —

Si quieres formar parte de nuestro equipo, envíanos tu CV y enlace a tu porfolio/reel a: Asunto: Lighting Artist – Nombre candidata/o

Todas las muestras recibidas se considerarán confidenciales.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

Prodigy Media busca Graphic Designer – Amazon Specialist

Tipo de contrato:

Contrato indefinido

Tipo de jornada:

Jornada completa

Texto de la oferta:

We are seeking a talented Graphic Designer with a specialization in Amazon listings to join our team. The ideal candidate will have a strong portfolio demonstrating expertise in creating high-quality images, EBC (Enhanced Brand Content) banners, and other visual assets that drive engagement and sales on Amazon

Requisitos mínimos:

– Experience working in a fast-paced digital marketing or e-commerce environment.
– Knowledge of 3D rendering software is a plus.
– Familiarity with other e-commerce platforms (eBay, Shopify) is advantageous.

Requisitos deseados:

– Proven experience in graphic design, with a focus on e-commerce and Amazon listings.
– Strong portfolio showcasing your expertise in designing for Amazon, including listing images and EBC banners.
– Proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign).
– Excellent understanding of Amazon’s guidelines and best practices for product images and content.
– Strong attention to detail and ability to meet tight deadlines.
– Effective communication skills and the ability to collaborate with a remote team.
– Availability to overlap with PST time zone hours (7 AM to 3 PM).


– Design and develop high-quality images for Amazon product listings, including lifestyle images, infographics, and product detail images.
– Create compelling EBC (Enhanced Brand Content) banners that align with brand guidelines and enhance the customer experience.
– Collaborate closely with our marketing and product teams to understand project requirements and deliver designs that meet our clients’ needs.
– Ensure all designs are optimized for Amazon’s platform and adhere to their guidelines and specifications.
– Continuously stay updated with the latest trends and best practices in Amazon listing designs and e-commerce visuals.


– Competitive salary based on experience
– Flexible remote work environment
– Opportunity for growth and advancement within the company
– Collaborative and supportive team culture
– Access to ongoing training and development resources

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

kotoc busca Junior/mid Departamento de Animación

Empresa: Kotoc

Tipo de jornada:

Jornada intensiva – Mañana

Texto de la oferta:

Abrimos proceso de selección para el departamento de animación. Incorporación 28 de agosto de 2024.
No enviar emails y no llamar, aplicar a través del formulario. Gracias.

Requisitos mínimos:

Buscamos un perfil creativo que sepa dotar de vida y appeal a personajes para una producción de acción/aventuras.

Requisitos Mínimos:
-Animación: controlar los principios de animación básicos, conseguir animaciones atractivas tanto en escenas de acción (body mechanics) como emocionales. El estilo que usamos está entre el cartoon y el realista.
-Storytelling: conseguir que las animaciones sean entretenidas, que los personajes se comuniquen entre ellos sin atropellarse.

El ritmo de trabajo es de 140 frames diarios aprobados.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

Frame Games busca Profesor Game Design

Empresa: Frame Games
Actividades: Animación 3D
Arte conceptual
Contenidos para móviles
Desarrollo de aplicaciones
Desarrollo de videojuegos
Desarrollo web
Diseño 3D
Diseño gráfico
Edición de videojuegos
Formación en videojuegos y multimedia
Producción audiovisual
Realidad virtual
Simulación 3D

Número de trabajadores: 10
Información acerca de la empresa:
Frame Games,
Es una escuela de arte digital y programación. Realizamos grados especializados de 3 años enfocados a conseguir buen nivel educativo para nuestros alumnos.
Nuestro centro cuenta con 8 aulas totalmente equipadas con equipos de ultima generación.
El centro es muy soleado y dispone una zona de ocio para los alumnos, donde aprenderán a comunicarse y entablaran amistades.
Estas aulas son de numero reducido de alumnos, máximo 11 alumnos por clase. Queremos ofrecer calidad y no cantidad.
Con todos nuestros grados ofrecemos clases de ingles gratuitas enfocadas al mundo laboral.

Los grados que ofrecemos son:
– Animación 3D
– Modelado 3D
– Animación 2D
– VFX efectos especiales
– Programación y diseño de videojuegos
– Concept art
– Diseño grafico y motion graphics

Tipo de contrato:


Texto de la oferta:

Frame Games es un nuevo centro de arte digital y programación.
Ofrecemos grados especializados a alumnos que tienen una base en 3D, ya sea por que han sido autodidactas o han realizado un ciclo formativo de grado superior.

El objetivo de Frame Games es ser las mejor escuela de creación de videojuegos de Cataluña. Por ese motivo buscamos profesores activos en la industria y con ganas de enseñar sus conocimientos a nuevos alumnos.

Actualmente buscamos:

– Profesor de Game Design

Requisitos mínimos:

Requisitos mínimos

– 2 años de experiencia y currículum.
– Aptitud para impartir clases a adultos ya con una base de 3D
– Adaptabilidad y creación de temario para clases de game design
– Pasión por los videojuegos.
– Conocimiento de diseño de juegos.
– Habilidades creativas e innovadoras.
– Conocimiento técnico.
– Habilidades de comunicación efectiva.
– Pensamiento analítico.
– Experiencia con herramientas de diseño de juegos como Unreal Engine y Unity

Requisitos deseados:

Requisitos deseados

– 5 años o más de experiencia diseñando videojuegos



Impartir clases teóricas y prácticas, preparación de materiales de enseñanza, supervisión y evaluación del trabajo de los estudiantes y participar en proyectos etc…



– Trabajar con alumnos que disponen ya una base de 3D
– Trabajar conjunto a profesores que están en activo en la industria
– Posibilidad a futuro de aumentar las horas de clase.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

DigiPen Europe-Bilbao busca 3D Modeling and Animation Instructor in Maya

trabajos: Empresa: DigiPen Europe-Bilbao
Actividades: Animación 3D
Desarrollo de videojuegos
Diseño 3D
Formación en videojuegos y multimedia
Investigación y desarrollo
Producción audiovisual

Número de trabajadores: 30
Información acerca de la empresa:
DigiPen Institute of Technology is a dedicated, world-renowned leader in education and research in computer interactive technologies and the first school in the world to offer a bachelor´s degree in videogame programming.

The members of DigiPen’s world-class faculty come from a wide range of academic and professional backgrounds. They bring years of teaching experience and relevant industry knowledge to the DigiPen community.

DigiPen alumni have worked for a top-class variety of companies and development studios on many high-profile projects.

Tipo de jornada:

Jornada parcial – Indiferente

Texto de la oferta:

The Department of Digital Arts and Film Production is looking for a new faculty member to join its team of passionate and dedicated teachers. This specific position involves introducing 3D Modeling and Animation in Maya to students.

Application: Attach the following information and materials:
— CV or resume. It must include a portfolio link.
— Bonus: Cover letter or email explaining the motivation behind the application

Job Details
— Contract Type: Part-time.
— Work Period: September to December.
— Location: On-site classes at DigiPen Europe-Bilbao campus
— Start Date: Sept. 2024 | End Date: Dec. 2024

Requisitos mínimos:

— Fluent in English, as all courses are taught in this language.
— Bachelors degree in Fine Arts, Digital Arts, Graphic Design, or a related field
— 4+ years of work experience in the 3D animation or video game industry.
— Available to work in Bilbao campus 2 days a week.
— Proficiency in Autodesk Maya for animation and 3D modeling.
— Experience with graphic engines like Unreal Engine.
— Ability to explain complex concepts clearly and accessibly to students.
— Capability to inspire and motivate students, promoting their interest and active participation in the course.
— Excellent communication and teamwork skills.

Requisitos deseados:

— Master’s Degree in Fine Arts, Graphic Design, Digital Arts, or a closely related field.
— Post-Graduate studies in Fine Arts, Graphic Design, Digital Arts, or a closely related field.
— Experience in teaching courses in higher education.
— Portfolio demonstrating experience and skills in 3D animation and modeling


Job description and responsibilities:
— Conduct 3 hours of weekly classes (two sessions of 1.5 hours each)
— Introduce 3D techniques, through theoretical and practical classes, on the fundamentals of 3D animation and modeling.
— Instruct on standard 3D modeling techniques, including polygonal and spline modeling.
— Guide students in creating and applying texture maps.
— Teach procedures for importing and manipulating these 3D assets in Unreal Engine.
— Develop and update course materials to stay aligned with current trends and technologies in 3D animation.
— Evaluate student progress and provide constructive feedback.
— Foster a collaborative and creative learning environment.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

AxesInMotion busca Data Engineer

trabajos: Empresa: AxesInMotion
Actividades: Animación 3D
Arte conceptual
Contenidos para móviles
Desarrollo de videojuegos
Animación 3D
Edición de videojuegos
Simulación 3D

Tipo de contrato:

Contrato indefinido

Tipo de jornada:

Jornada completa

Texto de la oferta:

At Axes In Motion we develop and publish F2P mobile games from our office in Seville. Our games have been downloaded more than 400 million times all over the world, with a focus on open world driving simulators. We are currently expanding our talented and passionate team with the addition of a Data Engineer.

As a Data Engineer, you will be responsible for designing, building, and maintaining our data infrastructures, enabling our team of developers and analysts to access critical information efficiently and securely. This role is crucial for driving our data-driven strategic decisions, optimizing the gaming experience for millions of users worldwide.

If you have an analytical mind, a passion for video games, and are ready to dive into complex technical challenges in a fun and creative environment, we can’t wait to meet you!

Requisitos mínimos:

– Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or related field.
– At least 3 years of experience in data engineering.
– Experience designing ETLs for connecting to third-party APIs.
– Experience designing ETL workflows that utilize orchestration tools for efficient management and execution of data pipelines.
– Proficiency in SQL and NoSQL.
– Proficiency in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services, especially BigQuery.
– Experience with other GCP services such as Google Cloud Composer, Dataflow, Pub/Sub, etc.
– Knowledge of designing tables and optimizing data schema for integration with data visualization tools such as Looker Studio or Tableau.
– Experience with exporting data from Firebase and Google Analytics to BigQuery, including managing Google Analytics events exportation.
– Proven ability to write clean, efficient code.
– A good level of English proficiency, at least equivalent to Cambridge B2.
– Programming: Python.
– Versioning: Git.

Requisitos deseados:

– Knowledge and experience working with dbt (Data Build Tool), enhancing proficiency in data modeling, transformation, and version control.
– Experience in the mobile games industry or in the mobile apps industry, providing insights into unique data challenges and opportunities specific to this domain.
– Experience working with Admob, Google Analytics, Google Play Developer and Apple App Store Connect APIs.


– Design, develop, and maintain scalable data pipelines and ETL processes on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
– Utilize Google Cloud Composer or other orchestration tools for workflow orchestration and management, ensuring seamless execution of data pipelines and tasks.
– Ensure data quality, security and integrity throughout the data lifecycle.
– Troubleshoot and resolve issues related to data infrastructure and pipelines on GCP.
– Monitor the performance of the designed data pipelines and their associated costs.
– Optimize data storage, retrieval, and processing for performance and efficiency on GCP.
– Configure and manage data exports from Firebase and Google Analytics to BigQuery, ensuring timely and accurate data ingestion for analysis and reporting purposes.
– Perform regular checks to verify the accuracy and completeness of Google Analytics events.
– Collaborate with other team members to design Google Analytics events.
– Design tables and optimize data schema for efficient integration with data visualization tools such as Looker Studio, ensuring smooth and effective data analysis and reporting capabilities.
– Develop robust code for connecting to third-party APIs, facilitating seamless data extraction and integration into our data ecosystem.
– Stay updated on industry trends and best practices in data engineering and GCP technologies.


At Axes in Motion, we understand that to develop the best, most successful video games, we all need to work as one. Playing always in team mode makes us unstoppable, a group of non-conformists always seeking to overcome new targets.

We offer to you the following benefits:

– Hybrid working model.
– Fully remote work in August and Christmas. We are committed to personal and professional balance!
– The opportunity to be part of a dynamic and young company working in an Agile environment.
– The possibility to grow professionally, participating actively in our company, growing with an exceptional team.
– Language training plans adapted to your level.
– 100€ per month as benefits (Meals, transport and nursery)
– Health and dental insurance
– +3 days off – Recharge and Wellness
– Immediate incorporation and a competitive salary depending on your previous experience.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

DigiPen Europe-Bilbao busca 3D Modeling and Animation Instructor in Maya

Empresa: DigiPen Europe-Bilbao
Actividades: Animación 3D
Desarrollo de videojuegos
Diseño 3D
Formación en videojuegos y multimedia
Investigación y desarrollo
Producción audiovisual

Número de trabajadores: 30
Información acerca de la empresa:
DigiPen Institute of Technology is a dedicated, world-renowned leader in education and research in computer interactive technologies and the first school in the world to offer a bachelor´s degree in videogame programming.

The members of DigiPen’s world-class faculty come from a wide range of academic and professional backgrounds. They bring years of teaching experience and relevant industry knowledge to the DigiPen community.

DigiPen alumni have worked for a top-class variety of companies and development studios on many high-profile projects.

Tipo de jornada:

Jornada parcial – Indiferente

Texto de la oferta:

The Department of Digital Arts and Film Production is looking for a new faculty member to join its team of passionate and dedicated teachers. This specific position involves introducing 3D Modeling and Animation in Maya to students.

Application: Attach the following information and materials:
— CV or resume. It must include a portfolio link.
— Bonus: Cover letter or email explaining the motivation behind the application

Job Details
— Contract Type: Part-time.
— Work Period: September to December.
— Location: On-site classes at DigiPen Europe-Bilbao campus
— Start Date: Sept. 2024 | End Date: Dec. 2024

Requisitos mínimos:

— Fluent in English, as all courses are taught in this language.
— Bachelors degree in Fine Arts, Digital Arts, Graphic Design, or a related field
— 4+ years of work experience in the 3D animation or video game industry.
— Available to work in Bilbao campus 2 days a week.
— Proficiency in Autodesk Maya for animation and 3D modeling.
— Experience with graphic engines like Unreal Engine.
— Ability to explain complex concepts clearly and accessibly to students.
— Capability to inspire and motivate students, promoting their interest and active participation in the course.
— Excellent communication and teamwork skills.

Requisitos deseados:

— Master’s Degree in Fine Arts, Graphic Design, Digital Arts, or a closely related field.
— Post-Graduate studies in Fine Arts, Graphic Design, Digital Arts, or a closely related field.
— Experience in teaching courses in higher education.
— Portfolio demonstrating experience and skills in 3D animation and modeling


Job description and responsibilities:
— Conduct 3 hours of weekly classes (two sessions of 1.5 hours each)
— Introduce 3D techniques, through theoretical and practical classes, on the fundamentals of 3D animation and modeling.
— Instruct on standard 3D modeling techniques, including polygonal and spline modeling.
— Guide students in creating and applying texture maps.
— Teach procedures for importing and manipulating these 3D assets in Unreal Engine.
— Develop and update course materials to stay aligned with current trends and technologies in 3D animation.
— Evaluate student progress and provide constructive feedback.
— Foster a collaborative and creative learning environment.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

AxesInMotion busca Data Engineer

Empresa: AxesInMotion
Actividades: Animación 3D
Arte conceptual
Contenidos para móviles
Desarrollo de videojuegos
Animación 3D
Edición de videojuegos
Simulación 3D

Tipo de contrato:

Contrato indefinido

Tipo de jornada:

Jornada completa

Texto de la oferta:

At Axes In Motion we develop and publish F2P mobile games from our office in Seville. Our games have been downloaded more than 400 million times all over the world, with a focus on open world driving simulators. We are currently expanding our talented and passionate team with the addition of a Data Engineer.

As a Data Engineer, you will be responsible for designing, building, and maintaining our data infrastructures, enabling our team of developers and analysts to access critical information efficiently and securely. This role is crucial for driving our data-driven strategic decisions, optimizing the gaming experience for millions of users worldwide.

If you have an analytical mind, a passion for video games, and are ready to dive into complex technical challenges in a fun and creative environment, we can’t wait to meet you!

Requisitos mínimos:

– Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or related field.
– At least 3 years of experience in data engineering.
– Experience designing ETLs for connecting to third-party APIs.
– Experience designing ETL workflows that utilize orchestration tools for efficient management and execution of data pipelines.
– Proficiency in SQL and NoSQL.
– Proficiency in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services, especially BigQuery.
– Experience with other GCP services such as Google Cloud Composer, Dataflow, Pub/Sub, etc.
– Knowledge of designing tables and optimizing data schema for integration with data visualization tools such as Looker Studio or Tableau.
– Experience with exporting data from Firebase and Google Analytics to BigQuery, including managing Google Analytics events exportation.
– Proven ability to write clean, efficient code.
– A good level of English proficiency, at least equivalent to Cambridge B2.
– Programming: Python.
– Versioning: Git.

Requisitos deseados:

– Knowledge and experience working with dbt (Data Build Tool), enhancing proficiency in data modeling, transformation, and version control.
– Experience in the mobile games industry or in the mobile apps industry, providing insights into unique data challenges and opportunities specific to this domain.
– Experience working with Admob, Google Analytics, Google Play Developer and Apple App Store Connect APIs.


– Design, develop, and maintain scalable data pipelines and ETL processes on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
– Utilize Google Cloud Composer or other orchestration tools for workflow orchestration and management, ensuring seamless execution of data pipelines and tasks.
– Ensure data quality, security and integrity throughout the data lifecycle.
– Troubleshoot and resolve issues related to data infrastructure and pipelines on GCP.
– Monitor the performance of the designed data pipelines and their associated costs.
– Optimize data storage, retrieval, and processing for performance and efficiency on GCP.
– Configure and manage data exports from Firebase and Google Analytics to BigQuery, ensuring timely and accurate data ingestion for analysis and reporting purposes.
– Perform regular checks to verify the accuracy and completeness of Google Analytics events.
– Collaborate with other team members to design Google Analytics events.
– Design tables and optimize data schema for efficient integration with data visualization tools such as Looker Studio, ensuring smooth and effective data analysis and reporting capabilities.
– Develop robust code for connecting to third-party APIs, facilitating seamless data extraction and integration into our data ecosystem.
– Stay updated on industry trends and best practices in data engineering and GCP technologies.


At Axes in Motion, we understand that to develop the best, most successful video games, we all need to work as one. Playing always in team mode makes us unstoppable, a group of non-conformists always seeking to overcome new targets.

We offer to you the following benefits:

– Hybrid working model.
– Fully remote work in August and Christmas. We are committed to personal and professional balance!
– The opportunity to be part of a dynamic and young company working in an Agile environment.
– The possibility to grow professionally, participating actively in our company, growing with an exceptional team.
– Language training plans adapted to your level.
– 100€ per month as benefits (Meals, transport and nursery)
– Health and dental insurance
– +3 days off – Recharge and Wellness
– Immediate incorporation and a competitive salary depending on your previous experience.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

OSEA In busca Unreal Engine Mobile

trabajos: Tipo de contrato:


Tipo de jornada:

Jornada completa

Texto de la oferta:

OSEA In es una empresa con sede en Salamanca en la que estamos desarrollando un juego mobile de género RogueLike. El juego está en una fase avanzada en la que necesitamos implementar el sistema de pagos en GooglePlay y AppleStore.

Envíe su solicitud a con el asunto: OSEA – Unreal Engine Programmer
Buscamos alguien que tenga experiencia en proyectos previos. Con profundo conocimiento de las funcionalidades en Unreal Engine 5

Requisitos mínimos:

Al menos 5 años en un puesto similar en un entorno de trabajo
Habilidades de codificación y depuración de C++
Es imprescindible tener experiencia en Unreal Engine 5 C++ y Blueprints
Conocimiento en sistemas pagos en plataformas mobile
Conocimiento sólido y actualizado de la industria de los juegos
Entiende las diversas metodologías de desarrollo
Excelentes habilidades de comunicación, verbal y escrita
Capacidad para desglosar y explicar sistemas de juegos
Adaptabilidad a procesos y procedimientos para el desarrollo de juegos
Fuertes habilidades de colaboración

Requisitos deseados:

Experiencia demostrable en Unreal Engine 5
Experiencia en sistemas de compras en juegos
Experiencia en programación de juegos
Disponibilidad en la zona horaria de la UE


Desarrollar y optimizar sistema de compras integradas en el juego enlazando a GooglePlay y AppleStore


Un buen ambiente de trabajo dentro de un grupo de colegas motivados de todo el mundo
Trabajar desde cualquier parte del mundo
Organización horizontal y ágil
Pasión por los videojuegos

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

Odders Lab busca Community Manager Junior

trabajos: Tipo de contrato:

Contrato indefinido

Tipo de jornada:

Jornada completa

Texto de la oferta:

Odders es una compañía de desarrollo de videojuegos de realidad virtual, con base en Sevilla. Nuestros productos OhShape (, Chess Club (, Les Mills XR BODYCOMBAT ( y [Les Mills XR Dance]( son juegos de éxito en las principales plataformas de aplicaciones de VR (META, PLAYSTATION VR2, PICO, etc.), así como para los medios especializados y jugadores.

Apostamos por el desarrollo de videojuegos en XR, con la mente siempre puesta en la innovación y, sobre todo, las personas, con muchos retos que descubrir y sueños por cumplir.

Buscamos un perfil de Community Manager para encargarse de la gestión de RRSS, la creación de vídeos y la interacción con usuarios.

¡No te pierdas esta oportunidad!

Si te interesa, envía tu CV a

Requisitos mínimos:

– Experiencia previa demostrable en empresas y/o en proyectos personales como Community Manager y creador de contenido.
– Habilidades y autonomía para creación y edición de vídeos.
– Conocimiento de las plataformas sociales actuales y de sus novedades más recientes.
– Pasión por los videojuegos.
– Buenas habilidades de comunicación
– Capacidad para trabajar en equipo.
– Capacidad para gestionar múltiples tareas y cumplir con los plazos establecidos.
– Actitud y ganas de seguir creciendo profesionalmente 🙂
– Nivel de inglés C1

Requisitos deseados:

– Conocimientos de la industria VR.
– Conocimientos sobre apps de fitness.
– Conocimientos de diseño gráfico
– Dominio de la suite de Adobe (Photoshop, Premiere, etc.)


– Gestión y dinamización de redes sociales y comunidades de nuestros proyectos presentes y futuros.
– Crear y editar vídeos atractivos y creativos para TikTok, Instagram Reels, Instagram Stories, Youtube Shorts y otras plataformas sociales
– Interactuar con los usuarios, responder a comentarios y mensajes, y fomentar la participación de la comunidad.
– Monitorizar tendencias en redes sociales y ajustar las estrategias de contenido en consecuencia.


– Contrato indefinido a jornada completa (38 horas/semana)
– Salario entre 18.000 – 22.000 euros brutos/año + hasta 12% bonus
– Trabajo híbrido, con base en Sevilla
– Flexibilidad y conciliación
– Cultura de empresa basada en la confianza y el crecimiento profesional en un clima de transparencia y honestidad
– Plan de carrera para un crecimiento personal y profesional
– Formación interna
– Seguro médico
– Entradas a Eventos Gaming

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

Odders Lab busca Community Manager Junior – 100% Remote

trabajos: Empresa: Odders Lab
Actividades: Desarrollo de videojuegos

Número de trabajadores: 35
Información acerca de la empresa:
Odders Lab es una empresa de desarrollo de videojuegos de realidad virtual de calidad, ubicada en Sevilla.

Apasionados, inquietos y creativos. Nuestra pasión por la tecnología y la realidad mixta nos llevó a hacer realidad nuestro sueño de hacer posibles nuevas realidad creando videojuegos que diviertan, despierten los sentidos del jugador y que tengan una tecnología innovadora para seguir creando evolución.

Nuestro último juego «Les Mills Body Combat VR» ha sido TOP ventas en las principales stores de gaming con mención destacada en Fitness VR. Actualmente estamos ampliando el equipo para hacer frente a nuevos proyectos.

Tipo de contrato:

Contrato indefinido

Tipo de jornada:

Jornada completa

Texto de la oferta:

Odders es una compañía de desarrollo de videojuegos de realidad virtual, con base en Sevilla. Nuestros productos OhShape (, Chess Club (, Les Mills XR BODYCOMBAT ( y Les Mills XR Dance ( son juegos de éxito en las principales plataformas de aplicaciones de VR (META, PLAYSTATION VR2, PICO, etc.), así como para los medios especializados y jugadores.

Apostamos por el desarrollo de videojuegos en XR, con la mente siempre puesta en la innovación y, sobre todo, las personas, con muchos retos que descubrir y sueños por cumplir.

Buscamos un perfil de Community Manager para encargarse de la gestión de RRSS, la creación de vídeos y la interacción con usuarios.

¡No te pierdas esta oportunidad! Si te interesa, envía tu CV a

Requisitos mínimos:

– Experiencia previa demostrable en empresas y/o en proyectos personales como Community Manager y creador de contenido
– Habilidades y autonomía para creación y edición de vídeos
– Conocimiento de las plataformas sociales actuales y de sus novedades más recientes
– Pasión por los videojuegos
– Buenas habilidades de comunicación
– Capacidad para trabajar en equipo
– Capacidad para gestionar múltiples tareas y cumplir con los plazos establecidos
– Actitud y ganas de seguir creciendo profesionalmente 🙂
– Nivel de inglés C1

Requisitos deseados:

– Conocimientos de la industria VR.
– Conocimientos sobre apps de fitness.
– Conocimientos de diseño gráfico
– Dominio de la suite de Adobe (Photoshop, Premiere, etc.)


– Gestión y dinamización de redes sociales y comunidades de nuestros proyectos presentes y futuros
– Crear y editar vídeos atractivos y creativos para TikTok, Instagram Reels, Instagram Stories, Youtube Shorts y otras plataformas sociales
– Interactuar con los usuarios, responder a comentarios y mensajes, y fomentar la participación de la comunidad
– Monitorizar tendencias en redes sociales y ajustar las estrategias de contenido en consecuencia


– Contrato indefinido a jornada completa (38 horas/semana)
– Salario entre 18.000 – 22.000 euros brutos/año + hasta 12% bonus
– Trabajo 100% remoto
– Flexibilidad y conciliación
– Cultura de empresa basada en la confianza y el crecimiento profesional en un clima de transparencia y honestidad
– Plan de carrera para un crecimiento personal y profesional
– Formación interna
– Seguro médico
– Entradas a Eventos Gaming

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

OSEA In busca Unreal Engine Mobile

Tipo de contrato:


Tipo de jornada:

Jornada completa

Texto de la oferta:

OSEA In es una empresa con sede en Salamanca en la que estamos desarrollando un juego mobile de género RogueLike. El juego está en una fase avanzada en la que necesitamos implementar el sistema de pagos en GooglePlay y AppleStore.

Envíe su solicitud a con el asunto: OSEA – Unreal Engine Programmer
Buscamos alguien que tenga experiencia en proyectos previos. Con profundo conocimiento de las funcionalidades en Unreal Engine 5

Requisitos mínimos:

Al menos 5 años en un puesto similar en un entorno de trabajo
Habilidades de codificación y depuración de C++
Es imprescindible tener experiencia en Unreal Engine 5 C++ y Blueprints
Conocimiento en sistemas pagos en plataformas mobile
Conocimiento sólido y actualizado de la industria de los juegos
Entiende las diversas metodologías de desarrollo
Excelentes habilidades de comunicación, verbal y escrita
Capacidad para desglosar y explicar sistemas de juegos
Adaptabilidad a procesos y procedimientos para el desarrollo de juegos
Fuertes habilidades de colaboración

Requisitos deseados:

Experiencia demostrable en Unreal Engine 5
Experiencia en sistemas de compras en juegos
Experiencia en programación de juegos
Disponibilidad en la zona horaria de la UE


Desarrollar y optimizar sistema de compras integradas en el juego enlazando a GooglePlay y AppleStore


Un buen ambiente de trabajo dentro de un grupo de colegas motivados de todo el mundo
Trabajar desde cualquier parte del mundo
Organización horizontal y ágil
Pasión por los videojuegos

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

Odders Lab busca Community Manager Junior

Tipo de contrato:

Contrato indefinido

Tipo de jornada:

Jornada completa

Texto de la oferta:

Odders es una compañía de desarrollo de videojuegos de realidad virtual, con base en Sevilla. Nuestros productos OhShape (, Chess Club (, Les Mills XR BODYCOMBAT ( y [Les Mills XR Dance]( son juegos de éxito en las principales plataformas de aplicaciones de VR (META, PLAYSTATION VR2, PICO, etc.), así como para los medios especializados y jugadores.

Apostamos por el desarrollo de videojuegos en XR, con la mente siempre puesta en la innovación y, sobre todo, las personas, con muchos retos que descubrir y sueños por cumplir.

Buscamos un perfil de Community Manager para encargarse de la gestión de RRSS, la creación de vídeos y la interacción con usuarios.

¡No te pierdas esta oportunidad!

Si te interesa, envía tu CV a

Requisitos mínimos:

– Experiencia previa demostrable en empresas y/o en proyectos personales como Community Manager y creador de contenido.
– Habilidades y autonomía para creación y edición de vídeos.
– Conocimiento de las plataformas sociales actuales y de sus novedades más recientes.
– Pasión por los videojuegos.
– Buenas habilidades de comunicación
– Capacidad para trabajar en equipo.
– Capacidad para gestionar múltiples tareas y cumplir con los plazos establecidos.
– Actitud y ganas de seguir creciendo profesionalmente 🙂
– Nivel de inglés C1

Requisitos deseados:

– Conocimientos de la industria VR.
– Conocimientos sobre apps de fitness.
– Conocimientos de diseño gráfico
– Dominio de la suite de Adobe (Photoshop, Premiere, etc.)


– Gestión y dinamización de redes sociales y comunidades de nuestros proyectos presentes y futuros.
– Crear y editar vídeos atractivos y creativos para TikTok, Instagram Reels, Instagram Stories, Youtube Shorts y otras plataformas sociales
– Interactuar con los usuarios, responder a comentarios y mensajes, y fomentar la participación de la comunidad.
– Monitorizar tendencias en redes sociales y ajustar las estrategias de contenido en consecuencia.


– Contrato indefinido a jornada completa (38 horas/semana)
– Salario entre 18.000 – 22.000 euros brutos/año + hasta 12% bonus
– Trabajo híbrido, con base en Sevilla
– Flexibilidad y conciliación
– Cultura de empresa basada en la confianza y el crecimiento profesional en un clima de transparencia y honestidad
– Plan de carrera para un crecimiento personal y profesional
– Formación interna
– Seguro médico
– Entradas a Eventos Gaming

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

Odders Lab busca Community Manager Junior – 100% Remote

Empresa: Odders Lab
Actividades: Desarrollo de videojuegos

Número de trabajadores: 35
Información acerca de la empresa:
Odders Lab es una empresa de desarrollo de videojuegos de realidad virtual de calidad, ubicada en Sevilla.

Apasionados, inquietos y creativos. Nuestra pasión por la tecnología y la realidad mixta nos llevó a hacer realidad nuestro sueño de hacer posibles nuevas realidad creando videojuegos que diviertan, despierten los sentidos del jugador y que tengan una tecnología innovadora para seguir creando evolución.

Nuestro último juego «Les Mills Body Combat VR» ha sido TOP ventas en las principales stores de gaming con mención destacada en Fitness VR. Actualmente estamos ampliando el equipo para hacer frente a nuevos proyectos.

Tipo de contrato:

Contrato indefinido

Tipo de jornada:

Jornada completa

Texto de la oferta:

Odders es una compañía de desarrollo de videojuegos de realidad virtual, con base en Sevilla. Nuestros productos OhShape (, Chess Club (, Les Mills XR BODYCOMBAT ( y Les Mills XR Dance ( son juegos de éxito en las principales plataformas de aplicaciones de VR (META, PLAYSTATION VR2, PICO, etc.), así como para los medios especializados y jugadores.

Apostamos por el desarrollo de videojuegos en XR, con la mente siempre puesta en la innovación y, sobre todo, las personas, con muchos retos que descubrir y sueños por cumplir.

Buscamos un perfil de Community Manager para encargarse de la gestión de RRSS, la creación de vídeos y la interacción con usuarios.

¡No te pierdas esta oportunidad! Si te interesa, envía tu CV a

Requisitos mínimos:

– Experiencia previa demostrable en empresas y/o en proyectos personales como Community Manager y creador de contenido
– Habilidades y autonomía para creación y edición de vídeos
– Conocimiento de las plataformas sociales actuales y de sus novedades más recientes
– Pasión por los videojuegos
– Buenas habilidades de comunicación
– Capacidad para trabajar en equipo
– Capacidad para gestionar múltiples tareas y cumplir con los plazos establecidos
– Actitud y ganas de seguir creciendo profesionalmente 🙂
– Nivel de inglés C1

Requisitos deseados:

– Conocimientos de la industria VR.
– Conocimientos sobre apps de fitness.
– Conocimientos de diseño gráfico
– Dominio de la suite de Adobe (Photoshop, Premiere, etc.)


– Gestión y dinamización de redes sociales y comunidades de nuestros proyectos presentes y futuros
– Crear y editar vídeos atractivos y creativos para TikTok, Instagram Reels, Instagram Stories, Youtube Shorts y otras plataformas sociales
– Interactuar con los usuarios, responder a comentarios y mensajes, y fomentar la participación de la comunidad
– Monitorizar tendencias en redes sociales y ajustar las estrategias de contenido en consecuencia


– Contrato indefinido a jornada completa (38 horas/semana)
– Salario entre 18.000 – 22.000 euros brutos/año + hasta 12% bonus
– Trabajo 100% remoto
– Flexibilidad y conciliación
– Cultura de empresa basada en la confianza y el crecimiento profesional en un clima de transparencia y honestidad
– Plan de carrera para un crecimiento personal y profesional
– Formación interna
– Seguro médico
– Entradas a Eventos Gaming

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

Tequila Works S.L. busca Junior Level Designer (remote work)

trabajos: Empresa: Tequila Works S.L.
Actividades: Desarrollo de videojuegos

Información acerca de la empresa:
Tequila Works nace bajo un ambiente de profunda tradición y se crea con el tiempo necesario para que alcance su madurez exacta. De esta forma, obtenemos un estudio independiente que conjuga, bajo la atenta mirada del silicio de nuestras barricas, artesanía y modernidad. En su interior, profesionales procedentes de Blizzard Entertainment, MercurySteam Entertainment, Pyro Studios, Sony Computer Entertainment y Weta Digital, se encuentran, combinando ideas y código, con la intención de proporcionar un aroma sorprendente en nuestras obras.

Hacer cosas pequeñas, con buen gusto, esa es nuestra filosofía… ¡y nuestro reto!

Adelante. Pasen. Bienvenidos a la experiencia Tequila Works. Un lugar de encuentro para todos los apasionados de los juegos y del entretenimiento. ¡Os invitamos a un trago de nuestro trabajo!

T.W. – Recomendamos su consumo con moderación

Texto de la oferta:

Tequila Works is looking for a dynamic Junior Level Designer to help create amazing gaming experiences. As a member of our Level Design Team, you will assist in developing interesting, fun, and challenging scenarios based on a creative vision. You will collaborate with different departments such as Art and Code to contribute to the development of our games.

We are based in Madrid and have the option of working at the studio and/or remotely.

To apply, please click on the following link:

Requisitos mínimos:

At least 1 year of professional experience working in video game industry.
Experience using Unreal Engine 5 and Blueprints.
Resourcefulness and creativity in problem-solving with a user focused approach.
Strong verbal and written communication both English and Spanish.
Be a level design sponge, you should be eager to listen and learn, paying meticulous attention to detail.
Knowledge of entertainment experiences, social gaming and game industry in general.
Programming and AI knowledge would be a plus.


Contribute on the development of new innovative and creative level design ideas from scratch, following Tequila Works’ vision.
Work closely with the Lead Level Designer and Level Director, understanding needs and offering solutions.
Support the creation of an amazing gameplay experience with the core game mechanics.
Help integrate new content from other departments such as sound, AI, and gameplay mechanics as the project progresses.
Collaborate with the team to evaluate gameplay and suggest improvements to fine-tune the game.
Determining project design specifications to ensure high-quality final product execution.
Work with Game Designers to define and tweak the game mechanics.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

AxesInMotion busca Data Engineer

trabajos: Empresa: AxesInMotion
Actividades: Animación 3D
Arte conceptual
Contenidos para móviles
Desarrollo de videojuegos
Animación 3D
Edición de videojuegos
Simulación 3D

Tipo de contrato:

Contrato indefinido

Tipo de jornada:

Jornada completa

Texto de la oferta:

At Axes In Motion we develop and publish F2P mobile games from our office in Seville. Our games have been downloaded more than 400 million times all over the world, with a focus on open world driving simulators. We are currently expanding our talented and passionate team with the addition of a Data Engineer.

As a Data Engineer, you will be responsible for designing, building, and maintaining our data infrastructures, enabling our team of developers and analysts to access critical information efficiently and securely. This role is crucial for driving our data-driven strategic decisions, optimizing the gaming experience for millions of users worldwide.

If you have an analytical mind, a passion for video games, and are ready to dive into complex technical challenges in a fun and creative environment, we can’t wait to meet you!

Requisitos mínimos:

– Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or related field.
– At least 3 years of experience in data engineering.
– Experience designing ETLs for connecting to third-party APIs.
– Experience designing ETL workflows that utilize orchestration tools for efficient management and execution of data pipelines.
– Proficiency in SQL and NoSQL.
– Proficiency in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services, especially BigQuery.
– Experience with other GCP services such as Google Cloud Composer, Dataflow, Pub/Sub, etc.
– Knowledge of designing tables and optimizing data schema for integration with data visualization tools such as Looker Studio or Tableau.
– Experience with exporting data from Firebase and Google Analytics to BigQuery, including managing Google Analytics events exportation.
– Proven ability to write clean, efficient code.
– A good level of English proficiency, at least equivalent to Cambridge B2.
– Programming: Python.
– Versioning: Git.

Requisitos deseados:

– Knowledge and experience working with dbt (Data Build Tool), enhancing proficiency in data modeling, transformation, and version control.
– Experience in the mobile games industry or in the mobile apps industry, providing insights into unique data challenges and opportunities specific to this domain.
– Experience working with Admob, Google Analytics, Google Play Developer and Apple App Store Connect APIs.


– Design, develop, and maintain scalable data pipelines and ETL processes on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
– Utilize Google Cloud Composer or other orchestration tools for workflow orchestration and management, ensuring seamless execution of data pipelines and tasks.
– Ensure data quality, security and integrity throughout the data lifecycle.
– Troubleshoot and resolve issues related to data infrastructure and pipelines on GCP.
– Monitor the performance of the designed data pipelines and their associated costs.
– Optimize data storage, retrieval, and processing for performance and efficiency on GCP.
– Configure and manage data exports from Firebase and Google Analytics to BigQuery, ensuring timely and accurate data ingestion for analysis and reporting purposes.
– Perform regular checks to verify the accuracy and completeness of Google Analytics events.
– Collaborate with other team members to design Google Analytics events.
– Design tables and optimize data schema for efficient integration with data visualization tools such as Looker Studio, ensuring smooth and effective data analysis and reporting capabilities.
– Develop robust code for connecting to third-party APIs, facilitating seamless data extraction and integration into our data ecosystem.
– Stay updated on industry trends and best practices in data engineering and GCP technologies.


At Axes in Motion, we understand that to develop the best, most successful video games, we all need to work as one. Playing always in team mode makes us unstoppable, a group of non-conformists always seeking to overcome new targets.

We offer to you the following benefits:

– Hybrid working model.
– Fully remote work in August and Christmas. We are committed to personal and professional balance!
– The opportunity to be part of a dynamic and young company working in an Agile environment.
– The possibility to grow professionally, participating actively in our company, growing with an exceptional team.
– Language training plans adapted to your level.
– 100€ per month as benefits (Meals, transport and nursery)
– Health and dental insurance
– +3 days off – Recharge and Wellness
– Immediate incorporation and a competitive salary depending on your previous experience.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

AxesInMotion busca Data Engineer

Empresa: AxesInMotion
Actividades: Animación 3D
Arte conceptual
Contenidos para móviles
Desarrollo de videojuegos
Animación 3D
Edición de videojuegos
Simulación 3D

Tipo de contrato:

Contrato indefinido

Tipo de jornada:

Jornada completa

Texto de la oferta:

At Axes In Motion we develop and publish F2P mobile games from our office in Seville. Our games have been downloaded more than 400 million times all over the world, with a focus on open world driving simulators. We are currently expanding our talented and passionate team with the addition of a Data Engineer.

As a Data Engineer, you will be responsible for designing, building, and maintaining our data infrastructures, enabling our team of developers and analysts to access critical information efficiently and securely. This role is crucial for driving our data-driven strategic decisions, optimizing the gaming experience for millions of users worldwide.

If you have an analytical mind, a passion for video games, and are ready to dive into complex technical challenges in a fun and creative environment, we can’t wait to meet you!

Requisitos mínimos:

– Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or related field.
– At least 3 years of experience in data engineering.
– Experience designing ETLs for connecting to third-party APIs.
– Experience designing ETL workflows that utilize orchestration tools for efficient management and execution of data pipelines.
– Proficiency in SQL and NoSQL.
– Proficiency in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services, especially BigQuery.
– Experience with other GCP services such as Google Cloud Composer, Dataflow, Pub/Sub, etc.
– Knowledge of designing tables and optimizing data schema for integration with data visualization tools such as Looker Studio or Tableau.
– Experience with exporting data from Firebase and Google Analytics to BigQuery, including managing Google Analytics events exportation.
– Proven ability to write clean, efficient code.
– A good level of English proficiency, at least equivalent to Cambridge B2.
– Programming: Python.
– Versioning: Git.

Requisitos deseados:

– Knowledge and experience working with dbt (Data Build Tool), enhancing proficiency in data modeling, transformation, and version control.
– Experience in the mobile games industry or in the mobile apps industry, providing insights into unique data challenges and opportunities specific to this domain.
– Experience working with Admob, Google Analytics, Google Play Developer and Apple App Store Connect APIs.


– Design, develop, and maintain scalable data pipelines and ETL processes on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
– Utilize Google Cloud Composer or other orchestration tools for workflow orchestration and management, ensuring seamless execution of data pipelines and tasks.
– Ensure data quality, security and integrity throughout the data lifecycle.
– Troubleshoot and resolve issues related to data infrastructure and pipelines on GCP.
– Monitor the performance of the designed data pipelines and their associated costs.
– Optimize data storage, retrieval, and processing for performance and efficiency on GCP.
– Configure and manage data exports from Firebase and Google Analytics to BigQuery, ensuring timely and accurate data ingestion for analysis and reporting purposes.
– Perform regular checks to verify the accuracy and completeness of Google Analytics events.
– Collaborate with other team members to design Google Analytics events.
– Design tables and optimize data schema for efficient integration with data visualization tools such as Looker Studio, ensuring smooth and effective data analysis and reporting capabilities.
– Develop robust code for connecting to third-party APIs, facilitating seamless data extraction and integration into our data ecosystem.
– Stay updated on industry trends and best practices in data engineering and GCP technologies.


At Axes in Motion, we understand that to develop the best, most successful video games, we all need to work as one. Playing always in team mode makes us unstoppable, a group of non-conformists always seeking to overcome new targets.

We offer to you the following benefits:

– Hybrid working model.
– Fully remote work in August and Christmas. We are committed to personal and professional balance!
– The opportunity to be part of a dynamic and young company working in an Agile environment.
– The possibility to grow professionally, participating actively in our company, growing with an exceptional team.
– Language training plans adapted to your level.
– 100€ per month as benefits (Meals, transport and nursery)
– Health and dental insurance
– +3 days off – Recharge and Wellness
– Immediate incorporation and a competitive salary depending on your previous experience.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

Tequila Works S.L. busca Junior Level Designer (remote work)

Empresa: Tequila Works S.L.
Actividades: Desarrollo de videojuegos

Información acerca de la empresa:
Tequila Works nace bajo un ambiente de profunda tradición y se crea con el tiempo necesario para que alcance su madurez exacta. De esta forma, obtenemos un estudio independiente que conjuga, bajo la atenta mirada del silicio de nuestras barricas, artesanía y modernidad. En su interior, profesionales procedentes de Blizzard Entertainment, MercurySteam Entertainment, Pyro Studios, Sony Computer Entertainment y Weta Digital, se encuentran, combinando ideas y código, con la intención de proporcionar un aroma sorprendente en nuestras obras.

Hacer cosas pequeñas, con buen gusto, esa es nuestra filosofía… ¡y nuestro reto!

Adelante. Pasen. Bienvenidos a la experiencia Tequila Works. Un lugar de encuentro para todos los apasionados de los juegos y del entretenimiento. ¡Os invitamos a un trago de nuestro trabajo!

T.W. – Recomendamos su consumo con moderación

Texto de la oferta:

Tequila Works is looking for a dynamic Junior Level Designer to help create amazing gaming experiences. As a member of our Level Design Team, you will assist in developing interesting, fun, and challenging scenarios based on a creative vision. You will collaborate with different departments such as Art and Code to contribute to the development of our games.

We are based in Madrid and have the option of working at the studio and/or remotely.

To apply, please click on the following link:

Requisitos mínimos:

At least 1 year of professional experience working in video game industry.
Experience using Unreal Engine 5 and Blueprints.
Resourcefulness and creativity in problem-solving with a user focused approach.
Strong verbal and written communication both English and Spanish.
Be a level design sponge, you should be eager to listen and learn, paying meticulous attention to detail.
Knowledge of entertainment experiences, social gaming and game industry in general.
Programming and AI knowledge would be a plus.


Contribute on the development of new innovative and creative level design ideas from scratch, following Tequila Works’ vision.
Work closely with the Lead Level Designer and Level Director, understanding needs and offering solutions.
Support the creation of an amazing gameplay experience with the core game mechanics.
Help integrate new content from other departments such as sound, AI, and gameplay mechanics as the project progresses.
Collaborate with the team to evaluate gameplay and suggest improvements to fine-tune the game.
Determining project design specifications to ensure high-quality final product execution.
Work with Game Designers to define and tweak the game mechanics.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

AxesInMotion busca Data Engineer

Empresa: AxesInMotion
Actividades: Animación 3D
Arte conceptual
Contenidos para móviles
Desarrollo de videojuegos
Animación 3D
Edición de videojuegos
Simulación 3D

Tipo de contrato:

Contrato indefinido

Tipo de jornada:

Jornada completa

Texto de la oferta:

At Axes In Motion we develop and publish F2P mobile games from our office in Seville. Our games have been downloaded more than 400 million times all over the world, with a focus on open world driving simulators. We are currently expanding our talented and passionate team with the addition of a Data Engineer.

As a Data Engineer, you will be responsible for designing, building, and maintaining our data infrastructures, enabling our team of developers and analysts to access critical information efficiently and securely. This role is crucial for driving our data-driven strategic decisions, optimizing the gaming experience for millions of users worldwide.

If you have an analytical mind, a passion for video games, and are ready to dive into complex technical challenges in a fun and creative environment, we can’t wait to meet you!

Requisitos mínimos:

– Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or related field.
– At least 3 years of experience in data engineering.
– Experience designing ETLs for connecting to third-party APIs.
– Experience designing ETL workflows that utilize orchestration tools for efficient management and execution of data pipelines.
– Proficiency in SQL and NoSQL.
– Proficiency in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services, especially BigQuery.
– Experience with other GCP services such as Google Cloud Composer, Dataflow, Pub/Sub, etc.
– Knowledge of designing tables and optimizing data schema for integration with data visualization tools such as Looker Studio or Tableau.
– Experience with exporting data from Firebase and Google Analytics to BigQuery, including managing Google Analytics events exportation.
– Proven ability to write clean, efficient code.
– A good level of English proficiency, at least equivalent to Cambridge B2.
– Programming: Python.
– Versioning: Git.

Requisitos deseados:

– Knowledge and experience working with dbt (Data Build Tool), enhancing proficiency in data modeling, transformation, and version control.
– Experience in the mobile games industry or in the mobile apps industry, providing insights into unique data challenges and opportunities specific to this domain.
– Experience working with Admob, Google Analytics, Google Play Developer and Apple App Store Connect APIs.


– Design, develop, and maintain scalable data pipelines and ETL processes on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
– Utilize Google Cloud Composer or other orchestration tools for workflow orchestration and management, ensuring seamless execution of data pipelines and tasks.
– Ensure data quality, security and integrity throughout the data lifecycle.
– Troubleshoot and resolve issues related to data infrastructure and pipelines on GCP.
– Monitor the performance of the designed data pipelines and their associated costs.
– Optimize data storage, retrieval, and processing for performance and efficiency on GCP.
– Configure and manage data exports from Firebase and Google Analytics to BigQuery, ensuring timely and accurate data ingestion for analysis and reporting purposes.
– Perform regular checks to verify the accuracy and completeness of Google Analytics events.
– Collaborate with other team members to design Google Analytics events.
– Design tables and optimize data schema for efficient integration with data visualization tools such as Looker Studio, ensuring smooth and effective data analysis and reporting capabilities.
– Develop robust code for connecting to third-party APIs, facilitating seamless data extraction and integration into our data ecosystem.
– Stay updated on industry trends and best practices in data engineering and GCP technologies.


At Axes in Motion, we understand that to develop the best, most successful video games, we all need to work as one. Playing always in team mode makes us unstoppable, a group of non-conformists always seeking to overcome new targets.

We offer to you the following benefits:

– Hybrid working model.
– Fully remote work in August and Christmas. We are committed to personal and professional balance!
– The opportunity to be part of a dynamic and young company working in an Agile environment.
– The possibility to grow professionally, participating actively in our company, growing with an exceptional team.
– Language training plans adapted to your level.
– 100€ per month as benefits (Meals, transport and nursery)
– Health and dental insurance
– +3 days off – Recharge and Wellness
– Immediate incorporation and a competitive salary depending on your previous experience.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

AxesInMotion busca Data Engineer

trabajos: Empresa: AxesInMotion
Actividades: Animación 3D
Arte conceptual
Contenidos para móviles
Desarrollo de videojuegos
Animación 3D
Edición de videojuegos
Simulación 3D

Tipo de contrato:

Contrato indefinido

Tipo de jornada:

Jornada completa

Texto de la oferta:

At Axes In Motion we develop and publish F2P mobile games from our office in Seville. Our games have been downloaded more than 400 million times all over the world, with a focus on open world driving simulators. We are currently expanding our talented and passionate team with the addition of a Data Engineer.

As a Data Engineer, you will be responsible for designing, building, and maintaining our data infrastructures, enabling our team of developers and analysts to access critical information efficiently and securely. This role is crucial for driving our data-driven strategic decisions, optimizing the gaming experience for millions of users worldwide.

If you have an analytical mind, a passion for video games, and are ready to dive into complex technical challenges in a fun and creative environment, we can’t wait to meet you!

Requisitos mínimos:

– Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or related field.
– At least 3 years of experience in data engineering.
– Experience designing ETLs for connecting to third-party APIs.
– Experience designing ETL workflows that utilize orchestration tools for efficient management and execution of data pipelines.
– Proficiency in SQL and NoSQL.
– Proficiency in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services, especially BigQuery.
– Experience with other GCP services such as Google Cloud Composer, Dataflow, Pub/Sub, etc.
– Knowledge of designing tables and optimizing data schema for integration with data visualization tools such as Looker Studio or Tableau.
– Experience with exporting data from Firebase and Google Analytics to BigQuery, including managing Google Analytics events exportation.
– Proven ability to write clean, efficient code.
– A good level of English proficiency, at least equivalent to Cambridge B2.
– Programming: Python.
– Versioning: Git.

Requisitos deseados:

– Knowledge and experience working with dbt (Data Build Tool), enhancing proficiency in data modeling, transformation, and version control.
– Experience in the mobile games industry or in the mobile apps industry, providing insights into unique data challenges and opportunities specific to this domain.
– Experience working with Admob, Google Analytics, Google Play Developer and Apple App Store Connect APIs.


– Design, develop, and maintain scalable data pipelines and ETL processes on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
– Utilize Google Cloud Composer or other orchestration tools for workflow orchestration and management, ensuring seamless execution of data pipelines and tasks.
– Ensure data quality, security and integrity throughout the data lifecycle.
– Troubleshoot and resolve issues related to data infrastructure and pipelines on GCP.
– Monitor the performance of the designed data pipelines and their associated costs.
– Optimize data storage, retrieval, and processing for performance and efficiency on GCP.
– Configure and manage data exports from Firebase and Google Analytics to BigQuery, ensuring timely and accurate data ingestion for analysis and reporting purposes.
– Perform regular checks to verify the accuracy and completeness of Google Analytics events.
– Collaborate with other team members to design Google Analytics events.
– Design tables and optimize data schema for efficient integration with data visualization tools such as Looker Studio, ensuring smooth and effective data analysis and reporting capabilities.
– Develop robust code for connecting to third-party APIs, facilitating seamless data extraction and integration into our data ecosystem.
– Stay updated on industry trends and best practices in data engineering and GCP technologies.


At Axes in Motion, we understand that to develop the best, most successful video games, we all need to work as one. Playing always in team mode makes us unstoppable, a group of non-conformists always seeking to overcome new targets.

We offer to you the following benefits:

– Hybrid working model.
– Fully remote work in August and Christmas. We are committed to personal and professional balance!
– The opportunity to be part of a dynamic and young company working in an Agile environment.
– The possibility to grow professionally, participating actively in our company, growing with an exceptional team.
– Language training plans adapted to your level.
– 100€ per month as benefits (Meals, transport and nursery)
– Health and dental insurance
– +3 days off – Recharge and Wellness
– Immediate incorporation and a competitive salary depending on your previous experience.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

AxesInMotion busca Data Engineer

Empresa: AxesInMotion
Actividades: Animación 3D
Arte conceptual
Contenidos para móviles
Desarrollo de videojuegos
Animación 3D
Edición de videojuegos
Simulación 3D

Tipo de contrato:

Contrato indefinido

Tipo de jornada:

Jornada completa

Texto de la oferta:

At Axes In Motion we develop and publish F2P mobile games from our office in Seville. Our games have been downloaded more than 400 million times all over the world, with a focus on open world driving simulators. We are currently expanding our talented and passionate team with the addition of a Data Engineer.

As a Data Engineer, you will be responsible for designing, building, and maintaining our data infrastructures, enabling our team of developers and analysts to access critical information efficiently and securely. This role is crucial for driving our data-driven strategic decisions, optimizing the gaming experience for millions of users worldwide.

If you have an analytical mind, a passion for video games, and are ready to dive into complex technical challenges in a fun and creative environment, we can’t wait to meet you!

Requisitos mínimos:

– Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or related field.
– At least 3 years of experience in data engineering.
– Experience designing ETLs for connecting to third-party APIs.
– Experience designing ETL workflows that utilize orchestration tools for efficient management and execution of data pipelines.
– Proficiency in SQL and NoSQL.
– Proficiency in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services, especially BigQuery.
– Experience with other GCP services such as Google Cloud Composer, Dataflow, Pub/Sub, etc.
– Knowledge of designing tables and optimizing data schema for integration with data visualization tools such as Looker Studio or Tableau.
– Experience with exporting data from Firebase and Google Analytics to BigQuery, including managing Google Analytics events exportation.
– Proven ability to write clean, efficient code.
– A good level of English proficiency, at least equivalent to Cambridge B2.
– Programming: Python.
– Versioning: Git.

Requisitos deseados:

– Knowledge and experience working with dbt (Data Build Tool), enhancing proficiency in data modeling, transformation, and version control.
– Experience in the mobile games industry or in the mobile apps industry, providing insights into unique data challenges and opportunities specific to this domain.
– Experience working with Admob, Google Analytics, Google Play Developer and Apple App Store Connect APIs.


– Design, develop, and maintain scalable data pipelines and ETL processes on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
– Utilize Google Cloud Composer or other orchestration tools for workflow orchestration and management, ensuring seamless execution of data pipelines and tasks.
– Ensure data quality, security and integrity throughout the data lifecycle.
– Troubleshoot and resolve issues related to data infrastructure and pipelines on GCP.
– Monitor the performance of the designed data pipelines and their associated costs.
– Optimize data storage, retrieval, and processing for performance and efficiency on GCP.
– Configure and manage data exports from Firebase and Google Analytics to BigQuery, ensuring timely and accurate data ingestion for analysis and reporting purposes.
– Perform regular checks to verify the accuracy and completeness of Google Analytics events.
– Collaborate with other team members to design Google Analytics events.
– Design tables and optimize data schema for efficient integration with data visualization tools such as Looker Studio, ensuring smooth and effective data analysis and reporting capabilities.
– Develop robust code for connecting to third-party APIs, facilitating seamless data extraction and integration into our data ecosystem.
– Stay updated on industry trends and best practices in data engineering and GCP technologies.


At Axes in Motion, we understand that to develop the best, most successful video games, we all need to work as one. Playing always in team mode makes us unstoppable, a group of non-conformists always seeking to overcome new targets.

We offer to you the following benefits:

– Hybrid working model.
– Fully remote work in August and Christmas. We are committed to personal and professional balance!
– The opportunity to be part of a dynamic and young company working in an Agile environment.
– The possibility to grow professionally, participating actively in our company, growing with an exceptional team.
– Language training plans adapted to your level.
– 100€ per month as benefits (Meals, transport and nursery)
– Health and dental insurance
– +3 days off – Recharge and Wellness
– Immediate incorporation and a competitive salary depending on your previous experience.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

Tropika Fashion busca Generalista 3D para estudio de moda en Roblox

trabajos: Texto de la oferta:

Somos un estudio puntero en el desarrollo de cosméticos para la plataforma de Roblox y estamos en busca de un Generalista 3D con sólidos conocimientos en optimización de rigging y retopología. Este puesto requiere trabajar directamente con las herramientas de Roblox.

Requisitos mínimos:

– Experiencia en Optimización 3D: Dominio en técnicas de rigging y retopología para asegurar un rendimiento óptimo en la plataforma de Roblox.
– Modelado 3D: Habilidad destacada en la creación de modelos de cabello, ropa y accesorios, con capacidad para captar y adaptar el estilo de nuestra tienda en Roblox.
– Proactividad y Creatividad: Persona proactiva, capaz de proponer nuevos productos y soluciones creativas de manera continua.

Requisitos deseados:

– Blender: Dominio en modelado, texturizado, rigging y optimización.
– Substance Painter: Experiencia en creación de texturas de alta calidad.
– Roblox Studio: Conocimientos prácticos en el uso de las herramientas de desarrollo de Roblox.


– Participar activamente en el proceso de ideación y desarrollo de nuevos productos cosméticos para Roblox.
– Colaborar con el equipo de diseño para crear modelos innovadores y atractivos que se alineen con las tendencias y demandas del mercado.
– Proponer mejoras y nuevas ideas para productos, basándose en la retroalimentación del usuario y las tendencias emergentes.
– Realizar pruebas y ajustes en los productos para asegurar su funcionalidad y atractivo antes de su lanzamiento.


– Salario Competitivo: Basado en la experiencia y capacidades del candidato.
– Trabajo Remoto y Horario Flexible: Adaptado a tus necesidades para promover un equilibrio entre la vida laboral y personal.

En Tropika Fashion, desarrollamos cosméticos innovadores para Roblox y estamos entusiasmados por encontrar talentos que nos ayuden a expandir nuestro catálogo con productos únicos y de alta calidad. Si eres un apasionado del 3D y te motiva trabajar en una plataforma dinámica como Roblox, ¡queremos conocerte!

Envíanos tu portafolio y CV a y únete a nuestro equipo para crear juntos los mejores cosméticos de Roblox.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

AxesInMotion busca Data Engineer

trabajos: Empresa: AxesInMotion
Actividades: Animación 3D
Arte conceptual
Contenidos para móviles
Desarrollo de videojuegos
Animación 3D
Edición de videojuegos
Simulación 3D

Tipo de contrato:

Contrato indefinido

Tipo de jornada:

Jornada completa

Texto de la oferta:

At Axes In Motion we develop and publish F2P mobile games from our office in Seville. Our games have been downloaded more than 400 million times all over the world, with a focus on open world driving simulators. We are currently expanding our talented and passionate team with the addition of a Data Engineer.

As a Data Engineer, you will be responsible for designing, building, and maintaining our data infrastructures, enabling our team of developers and analysts to access critical information efficiently and securely. This role is crucial for driving our data-driven strategic decisions, optimizing the gaming experience for millions of users worldwide.

If you have an analytical mind, a passion for video games, and are ready to dive into complex technical challenges in a fun and creative environment, we can’t wait to meet you!

Requisitos mínimos:

– Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or related field.
– At least 3 years of experience in data engineering.
– Experience designing ETLs for connecting to third-party APIs.
– Experience designing ETL workflows that utilize orchestration tools for efficient management and execution of data pipelines.
– Proficiency in SQL and NoSQL.
– Proficiency in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services, especially BigQuery.
– Experience with other GCP services such as Google Cloud Composer, Dataflow, Pub/Sub, etc.
– Knowledge of designing tables and optimizing data schema for integration with data visualization tools such as Looker Studio or Tableau.
– Experience with exporting data from Firebase and Google Analytics to BigQuery, including managing Google Analytics events exportation.
– Proven ability to write clean, efficient code.
– A good level of English proficiency, at least equivalent to Cambridge B2.
– Programming: Python.
– Versioning: Git.

Requisitos deseados:

– Knowledge and experience working with dbt (Data Build Tool), enhancing proficiency in data modeling, transformation, and version control.
– Experience in the mobile games industry or in the mobile apps industry, providing insights into unique data challenges and opportunities specific to this domain.
– Experience working with Admob, Google Analytics, Google Play Developer and Apple App Store Connect APIs.


– Design, develop, and maintain scalable data pipelines and ETL processes on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
– Utilize Google Cloud Composer or other orchestration tools for workflow orchestration and management, ensuring seamless execution of data pipelines and tasks.
– Ensure data quality, security and integrity throughout the data lifecycle.
– Troubleshoot and resolve issues related to data infrastructure and pipelines on GCP.
– Monitor the performance of the designed data pipelines and their associated costs.
– Optimize data storage, retrieval, and processing for performance and efficiency on GCP.
– Configure and manage data exports from Firebase and Google Analytics to BigQuery, ensuring timely and accurate data ingestion for analysis and reporting purposes.
– Perform regular checks to verify the accuracy and completeness of Google Analytics events.
– Collaborate with other team members to design Google Analytics events.
– Design tables and optimize data schema for efficient integration with data visualization tools such as Looker Studio, ensuring smooth and effective data analysis and reporting capabilities.
– Develop robust code for connecting to third-party APIs, facilitating seamless data extraction and integration into our data ecosystem.
– Stay updated on industry trends and best practices in data engineering and GCP technologies.


At Axes in Motion, we understand that to develop the best, most successful video games, we all need to work as one. Playing always in team mode makes us unstoppable, a group of non-conformists always seeking to overcome new targets.

We offer to you the following benefits:

– Hybrid working model.
– Fully remote work in August and Christmas. We are committed to personal and professional balance!
– The opportunity to be part of a dynamic and young company working in an Agile environment.
– The possibility to grow professionally, participating actively in our company, growing with an exceptional team.
– Language training plans adapted to your level.
– 100€ per month as benefits (Meals, transport and nursery)
– Health and dental insurance
– +3 days off – Recharge and Wellness
– Immediate incorporation and a competitive salary depending on your previous experience.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

FrameOver busca Técnico Programador Unity

trabajos: Empresa: FrameOver
Actividades: Animación 3D
Arte conceptual
Desarrollo de videojuegos
Animación 3D
Realidad virtual

Número de trabajadores: 18
Información acerca de la empresa:
Desde 2011 FrameOver realiza trabajos de Animación y VFX para todo tipo de clientes y marcas. Desde hace un año también desarrolla videojuegos y colabora en diversas producciones internacionales, incluyendo I+D para dispositivos de realidad virtual.

Tipo de contrato:

Otros contratos

Texto de la oferta:

Estamos ampliando equipo para prototipado de proyectos, ampliación de funcionalidades o resolución de bugs en juegos ya existentes.
Es necesaria experiencia en este ámbito y en desarrollo de videojuegos especificamente.
Indispensable dominio de lenguaje C#.

Se valorarán también conocimientos como technical artist, capaz de manejarse con modelos, sets, en cuanto a assets, texturas, lighting, etc…

Requisitos mínimos:

· Eficiencia creativa usando Unity
· Conocimientos técnicos para creación de materiales o shaders.
· Experiencia con personajes/player, etc…
· Experiencia con Mecánicas de jugador

· Carácter proactivo, ya que hay varias tareas de investigación y ayuda a otros compañeros.


Participarás en varios proyectos que requieren de tus conocimientos, en diferentes fases. Algunos de ellos desde cero, otro ya en producción o ya publicados.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

Tropika Fashion busca Generalista 3D para estudio de moda en Roblox

Texto de la oferta:

Somos un estudio puntero en el desarrollo de cosméticos para la plataforma de Roblox y estamos en busca de un Generalista 3D con sólidos conocimientos en optimización de rigging y retopología. Este puesto requiere trabajar directamente con las herramientas de Roblox.

Requisitos mínimos:

– Experiencia en Optimización 3D: Dominio en técnicas de rigging y retopología para asegurar un rendimiento óptimo en la plataforma de Roblox.
– Modelado 3D: Habilidad destacada en la creación de modelos de cabello, ropa y accesorios, con capacidad para captar y adaptar el estilo de nuestra tienda en Roblox.
– Proactividad y Creatividad: Persona proactiva, capaz de proponer nuevos productos y soluciones creativas de manera continua.

Requisitos deseados:

– Blender: Dominio en modelado, texturizado, rigging y optimización.
– Substance Painter: Experiencia en creación de texturas de alta calidad.
– Roblox Studio: Conocimientos prácticos en el uso de las herramientas de desarrollo de Roblox.


– Participar activamente en el proceso de ideación y desarrollo de nuevos productos cosméticos para Roblox.
– Colaborar con el equipo de diseño para crear modelos innovadores y atractivos que se alineen con las tendencias y demandas del mercado.
– Proponer mejoras y nuevas ideas para productos, basándose en la retroalimentación del usuario y las tendencias emergentes.
– Realizar pruebas y ajustes en los productos para asegurar su funcionalidad y atractivo antes de su lanzamiento.


– Salario Competitivo: Basado en la experiencia y capacidades del candidato.
– Trabajo Remoto y Horario Flexible: Adaptado a tus necesidades para promover un equilibrio entre la vida laboral y personal.

En Tropika Fashion, desarrollamos cosméticos innovadores para Roblox y estamos entusiasmados por encontrar talentos que nos ayuden a expandir nuestro catálogo con productos únicos y de alta calidad. Si eres un apasionado del 3D y te motiva trabajar en una plataforma dinámica como Roblox, ¡queremos conocerte!

Envíanos tu portafolio y CV a y únete a nuestro equipo para crear juntos los mejores cosméticos de Roblox.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

AxesInMotion busca Data Engineer

Empresa: AxesInMotion
Actividades: Animación 3D
Arte conceptual
Contenidos para móviles
Desarrollo de videojuegos
Animación 3D
Edición de videojuegos
Simulación 3D

Tipo de contrato:

Contrato indefinido

Tipo de jornada:

Jornada completa

Texto de la oferta:

At Axes In Motion we develop and publish F2P mobile games from our office in Seville. Our games have been downloaded more than 400 million times all over the world, with a focus on open world driving simulators. We are currently expanding our talented and passionate team with the addition of a Data Engineer.

As a Data Engineer, you will be responsible for designing, building, and maintaining our data infrastructures, enabling our team of developers and analysts to access critical information efficiently and securely. This role is crucial for driving our data-driven strategic decisions, optimizing the gaming experience for millions of users worldwide.

If you have an analytical mind, a passion for video games, and are ready to dive into complex technical challenges in a fun and creative environment, we can’t wait to meet you!

Requisitos mínimos:

– Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or related field.
– At least 3 years of experience in data engineering.
– Experience designing ETLs for connecting to third-party APIs.
– Experience designing ETL workflows that utilize orchestration tools for efficient management and execution of data pipelines.
– Proficiency in SQL and NoSQL.
– Proficiency in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services, especially BigQuery.
– Experience with other GCP services such as Google Cloud Composer, Dataflow, Pub/Sub, etc.
– Knowledge of designing tables and optimizing data schema for integration with data visualization tools such as Looker Studio or Tableau.
– Experience with exporting data from Firebase and Google Analytics to BigQuery, including managing Google Analytics events exportation.
– Proven ability to write clean, efficient code.
– A good level of English proficiency, at least equivalent to Cambridge B2.
– Programming: Python.
– Versioning: Git.

Requisitos deseados:

– Knowledge and experience working with dbt (Data Build Tool), enhancing proficiency in data modeling, transformation, and version control.
– Experience in the mobile games industry or in the mobile apps industry, providing insights into unique data challenges and opportunities specific to this domain.
– Experience working with Admob, Google Analytics, Google Play Developer and Apple App Store Connect APIs.


– Design, develop, and maintain scalable data pipelines and ETL processes on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
– Utilize Google Cloud Composer or other orchestration tools for workflow orchestration and management, ensuring seamless execution of data pipelines and tasks.
– Ensure data quality, security and integrity throughout the data lifecycle.
– Troubleshoot and resolve issues related to data infrastructure and pipelines on GCP.
– Monitor the performance of the designed data pipelines and their associated costs.
– Optimize data storage, retrieval, and processing for performance and efficiency on GCP.
– Configure and manage data exports from Firebase and Google Analytics to BigQuery, ensuring timely and accurate data ingestion for analysis and reporting purposes.
– Perform regular checks to verify the accuracy and completeness of Google Analytics events.
– Collaborate with other team members to design Google Analytics events.
– Design tables and optimize data schema for efficient integration with data visualization tools such as Looker Studio, ensuring smooth and effective data analysis and reporting capabilities.
– Develop robust code for connecting to third-party APIs, facilitating seamless data extraction and integration into our data ecosystem.
– Stay updated on industry trends and best practices in data engineering and GCP technologies.


At Axes in Motion, we understand that to develop the best, most successful video games, we all need to work as one. Playing always in team mode makes us unstoppable, a group of non-conformists always seeking to overcome new targets.

We offer to you the following benefits:

– Hybrid working model.
– Fully remote work in August and Christmas. We are committed to personal and professional balance!
– The opportunity to be part of a dynamic and young company working in an Agile environment.
– The possibility to grow professionally, participating actively in our company, growing with an exceptional team.
– Language training plans adapted to your level.
– 100€ per month as benefits (Meals, transport and nursery)
– Health and dental insurance
– +3 days off – Recharge and Wellness
– Immediate incorporation and a competitive salary depending on your previous experience.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

FrameOver busca Técnico Programador Unity

Empresa: FrameOver
Actividades: Animación 3D
Arte conceptual
Desarrollo de videojuegos
Animación 3D
Realidad virtual

Número de trabajadores: 18
Información acerca de la empresa:
Desde 2011 FrameOver realiza trabajos de Animación y VFX para todo tipo de clientes y marcas. Desde hace un año también desarrolla videojuegos y colabora en diversas producciones internacionales, incluyendo I+D para dispositivos de realidad virtual.

Tipo de contrato:

Otros contratos

Texto de la oferta:

Estamos ampliando equipo para prototipado de proyectos, ampliación de funcionalidades o resolución de bugs en juegos ya existentes.
Es necesaria experiencia en este ámbito y en desarrollo de videojuegos especificamente.
Indispensable dominio de lenguaje C#.

Se valorarán también conocimientos como technical artist, capaz de manejarse con modelos, sets, en cuanto a assets, texturas, lighting, etc…

Requisitos mínimos:

· Eficiencia creativa usando Unity
· Conocimientos técnicos para creación de materiales o shaders.
· Experiencia con personajes/player, etc…
· Experiencia con Mecánicas de jugador

· Carácter proactivo, ya que hay varias tareas de investigación y ayuda a otros compañeros.


Participarás en varios proyectos que requieren de tus conocimientos, en diferentes fases. Algunos de ellos desde cero, otro ya en producción o ya publicados.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

AxesInMotion busca Data Engineer

Empresa: AxesInMotion
Actividades: Animación 3D
Arte conceptual
Contenidos para móviles
Desarrollo de videojuegos
Animación 3D
Edición de videojuegos
Simulación 3D

Tipo de contrato:

Contrato indefinido

Tipo de jornada:

Jornada completa

Texto de la oferta:

At Axes In Motion we develop and publish F2P mobile games from our office in Seville. Our games have been downloaded more than 400 million times all over the world, with a focus on open world driving simulators. We are currently expanding our talented and passionate team with the addition of a Data Engineer.

As a Data Engineer, you will be responsible for designing, building, and maintaining our data infrastructures, enabling our team of developers and analysts to access critical information efficiently and securely. This role is crucial for driving our data-driven strategic decisions, optimizing the gaming experience for millions of users worldwide.

If you have an analytical mind, a passion for video games, and are ready to dive into complex technical challenges in a fun and creative environment, we can’t wait to meet you!

Requisitos mínimos:

– Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or related field.
– At least 3 years of experience in data engineering.
– Experience designing ETLs for connecting to third-party APIs.
– Experience designing ETL workflows that utilize orchestration tools for efficient management and execution of data pipelines.
– Proficiency in SQL and NoSQL.
– Proficiency in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services, especially BigQuery.
– Experience with other GCP services such as Google Cloud Composer, Dataflow, Pub/Sub, etc.
– Knowledge of designing tables and optimizing data schema for integration with data visualization tools such as Looker Studio or Tableau.
– Experience with exporting data from Firebase and Google Analytics to BigQuery, including managing Google Analytics events exportation.
– Proven ability to write clean, efficient code.
– A good level of English proficiency, at least equivalent to Cambridge B2.
– Programming: Python.
– Versioning: Git.

Requisitos deseados:

– Knowledge and experience working with dbt (Data Build Tool), enhancing proficiency in data modeling, transformation, and version control.
– Experience in the mobile games industry or in the mobile apps industry, providing insights into unique data challenges and opportunities specific to this domain.
– Experience working with Admob, Google Analytics, Google Play Developer and Apple App Store Connect APIs.


– Design, develop, and maintain scalable data pipelines and ETL processes on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
– Utilize Google Cloud Composer or other orchestration tools for workflow orchestration and management, ensuring seamless execution of data pipelines and tasks.
– Ensure data quality, security and integrity throughout the data lifecycle.
– Troubleshoot and resolve issues related to data infrastructure and pipelines on GCP.
– Monitor the performance of the designed data pipelines and their associated costs.
– Optimize data storage, retrieval, and processing for performance and efficiency on GCP.
– Configure and manage data exports from Firebase and Google Analytics to BigQuery, ensuring timely and accurate data ingestion for analysis and reporting purposes.
– Perform regular checks to verify the accuracy and completeness of Google Analytics events.
– Collaborate with other team members to design Google Analytics events.
– Design tables and optimize data schema for efficient integration with data visualization tools such as Looker Studio, ensuring smooth and effective data analysis and reporting capabilities.
– Develop robust code for connecting to third-party APIs, facilitating seamless data extraction and integration into our data ecosystem.
– Stay updated on industry trends and best practices in data engineering and GCP technologies.


At Axes in Motion, we understand that to develop the best, most successful video games, we all need to work as one. Playing always in team mode makes us unstoppable, a group of non-conformists always seeking to overcome new targets.

We offer to you the following benefits:

– Hybrid working model.
– Fully remote work in August and Christmas. We are committed to personal and professional balance!
– The opportunity to be part of a dynamic and young company working in an Agile environment.
– The possibility to grow professionally, participating actively in our company, growing with an exceptional team.
– Language training plans adapted to your level.
– 100€ per month as benefits (Meals, transport and nursery)
– Health and dental insurance
– +3 days off – Recharge and Wellness
– Immediate incorporation and a competitive salary depending on your previous experience.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

FrameOver busca Técnico Programador Unity

Empresa: FrameOver
Actividades: Animación 3D
Arte conceptual
Desarrollo de videojuegos
Animación 3D
Realidad virtual

Número de trabajadores: 18
Información acerca de la empresa:
Desde 2011 FrameOver realiza trabajos de Animación y VFX para todo tipo de clientes y marcas. Desde hace un año también desarrolla videojuegos y colabora en diversas producciones internacionales, incluyendo I+D para dispositivos de realidad virtual.

Tipo de contrato:

Otros contratos

Texto de la oferta:

Estamos ampliando equipo para prototipado de proyectos, ampliación de funcionalidades o resolución de bugs en juegos ya existentes.
Es necesaria experiencia en este ámbito y en desarrollo de videojuegos especificamente.
Indispensable dominio de lenguaje C#.

Se valorarán también conocimientos como technical artist, capaz de manejarse con modelos, sets, en cuanto a assets, texturas, lighting, etc…

Requisitos mínimos:

· Eficiencia creativa usando Unity
· Conocimientos técnicos para creación de materiales o shaders.
· Experiencia con personajes/player, etc…
· Experiencia con Mecánicas de jugador

· Carácter proactivo, ya que hay varias tareas de investigación y ayuda a otros compañeros.


Participarás en varios proyectos que requieren de tus conocimientos, en diferentes fases. Algunos de ellos desde cero, otro ya en producción o ya publicados.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

FrameOver busca Técnico Programador Unity

Empresa: FrameOver
Actividades: Animación 3D
Arte conceptual
Desarrollo de videojuegos
Animación 3D
Realidad virtual

Número de trabajadores: 18
Información acerca de la empresa:
Desde 2011 FrameOver realiza trabajos de Animación y VFX para todo tipo de clientes y marcas. Desde hace un año también desarrolla videojuegos y colabora en diversas producciones internacionales, incluyendo I+D para dispositivos de realidad virtual.

Tipo de contrato:

Otros contratos

Texto de la oferta:

Estamos ampliando equipo para prototipado de proyectos, ampliación de funcionalidades o resolución de bugs en juegos ya existentes.
Es necesaria experiencia en este ámbito y en desarrollo de videojuegos especificamente.
Indispensable dominio de lenguaje C#.

Se valorarán también conocimientos como technical artist, capaz de manejarse con modelos, sets, en cuanto a assets, texturas, lighting, etc…

Requisitos mínimos:

· Eficiencia creativa usando Unity
· Conocimientos técnicos para creación de materiales o shaders.
· Experiencia con personajes/player, etc…
· Experiencia con Mecánicas de jugador

· Carácter proactivo, ya que hay varias tareas de investigación y ayuda a otros compañeros.


Participarás en varios proyectos que requieren de tus conocimientos, en diferentes fases. Algunos de ellos desde cero, otro ya en producción o ya publicados.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

FrameOver busca Técnico Programador Unity

Empresa: FrameOver
Actividades: Animación 3D
Arte conceptual
Desarrollo de videojuegos
Animación 3D
Realidad virtual

Número de trabajadores: 18
Información acerca de la empresa:
Desde 2011 FrameOver realiza trabajos de Animación y VFX para todo tipo de clientes y marcas. Desde hace un año también desarrolla videojuegos y colabora en diversas producciones internacionales, incluyendo I+D para dispositivos de realidad virtual.

Tipo de contrato:

Otros contratos

Texto de la oferta:

Estamos ampliando equipo para prototipado de proyectos, ampliación de funcionalidades o resolución de bugs en juegos ya existentes.
Es necesaria experiencia en este ámbito y en desarrollo de videojuegos especificamente.
Indispensable dominio de lenguaje C#.

Se valorarán también conocimientos como technical artist, capaz de manejarse con modelos, sets, en cuanto a assets, texturas, lighting, etc…

Requisitos mínimos:

· Eficiencia creativa usando Unity
· Conocimientos técnicos para creación de materiales o shaders.
· Experiencia con personajes/player, etc…
· Experiencia con Mecánicas de jugador

· Carácter proactivo, ya que hay varias tareas de investigación y ayuda a otros compañeros.


Participarás en varios proyectos que requieren de tus conocimientos, en diferentes fases. Algunos de ellos desde cero, otro ya en producción o ya publicados.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

AxesInMotion busca Data Engineer

trabajos: Empresa: AxesInMotion
Actividades: Animación 3D
Arte conceptual
Contenidos para móviles
Desarrollo de videojuegos
Animación 3D
Edición de videojuegos
Simulación 3D

Tipo de contrato:

Contrato indefinido

Tipo de jornada:

Jornada completa

Texto de la oferta:

At Axes In Motion we develop and publish F2P mobile games from our office in Seville. Our games have been downloaded more than 400 million times all over the world, with a focus on open world driving simulators. We are currently expanding our talented and passionate team with the addition of a Data Engineer.

As a Data Engineer, you will be responsible for designing, building, and maintaining our data infrastructures, enabling our team of developers and analysts to access critical information efficiently and securely. This role is crucial for driving our data-driven strategic decisions, optimizing the gaming experience for millions of users worldwide.

If you have an analytical mind, a passion for video games, and are ready to dive into complex technical challenges in a fun and creative environment, we can’t wait to meet you!

Requisitos mínimos:

– Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or related field.
– At least 3 years of experience in data engineering.
– Experience designing ETLs for connecting to third-party APIs.
– Experience designing ETL workflows that utilize orchestration tools for efficient management and execution of data pipelines.
– Proficiency in SQL and NoSQL.
– Proficiency in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services, especially BigQuery.
– Experience with other GCP services such as Google Cloud Composer, Dataflow, Pub/Sub, etc.
– Knowledge of designing tables and optimizing data schema for integration with data visualization tools such as Looker Studio or Tableau.
– Experience with exporting data from Firebase and Google Analytics to BigQuery, including managing Google Analytics events exportation.
– Proven ability to write clean, efficient code.
– A good level of English proficiency, at least equivalent to Cambridge B2.
– Programming: Python.
– Versioning: Git.

Requisitos deseados:

– Knowledge and experience working with dbt (Data Build Tool), enhancing proficiency in data modeling, transformation, and version control.
– Experience in the mobile games industry or in the mobile apps industry, providing insights into unique data challenges and opportunities specific to this domain.
– Experience working with Admob, Google Analytics, Google Play Developer and Apple App Store Connect APIs.


– Design, develop, and maintain scalable data pipelines and ETL processes on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
– Utilize Google Cloud Composer or other orchestration tools for workflow orchestration and management, ensuring seamless execution of data pipelines and tasks.
– Ensure data quality, security and integrity throughout the data lifecycle.
– Troubleshoot and resolve issues related to data infrastructure and pipelines on GCP.
– Monitor the performance of the designed data pipelines and their associated costs.
– Optimize data storage, retrieval, and processing for performance and efficiency on GCP.
– Configure and manage data exports from Firebase and Google Analytics to BigQuery, ensuring timely and accurate data ingestion for analysis and reporting purposes.
– Perform regular checks to verify the accuracy and completeness of Google Analytics events.
– Collaborate with other team members to design Google Analytics events.
– Design tables and optimize data schema for efficient integration with data visualization tools such as Looker Studio, ensuring smooth and effective data analysis and reporting capabilities.
– Develop robust code for connecting to third-party APIs, facilitating seamless data extraction and integration into our data ecosystem.
– Stay updated on industry trends and best practices in data engineering and GCP technologies.


At Axes in Motion, we understand that to develop the best, most successful video games, we all need to work as one. Playing always in team mode makes us unstoppable, a group of non-conformists always seeking to overcome new targets.

We offer to you the following benefits:

– Hybrid working model.
– Fully remote work in August and Christmas. We are committed to personal and professional balance!
– The opportunity to be part of a dynamic and young company working in an Agile environment.
– The possibility to grow professionally, participating actively in our company, growing with an exceptional team.
– Language training plans adapted to your level.
– 100€ per month as benefits (Meals, transport and nursery)
– Health and dental insurance
– +3 days off – Recharge and Wellness
– Immediate incorporation and a competitive salary depending on your previous experience.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

AxesInMotion busca Data Engineer

trabajos: Empresa: AxesInMotion
Actividades: Animación 3D
Arte conceptual
Contenidos para móviles
Desarrollo de videojuegos
Animación 3D
Edición de videojuegos
Simulación 3D

Tipo de contrato:

Contrato indefinido

Tipo de jornada:

Jornada completa

Texto de la oferta:

At Axes In Motion we develop and publish F2P mobile games from our office in Seville. Our games have been downloaded more than 400 million times all over the world, with a focus on open world driving simulators. We are currently expanding our talented and passionate team with the addition of a Data Engineer.

As a Data Engineer, you will be responsible for designing, building, and maintaining our data infrastructures, enabling our team of developers and analysts to access critical information efficiently and securely. This role is crucial for driving our data-driven strategic decisions, optimizing the gaming experience for millions of users worldwide.

If you have an analytical mind, a passion for video games, and are ready to dive into complex technical challenges in a fun and creative environment, we can’t wait to meet you!

Requisitos mínimos:

– Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or related field.
– At least 3 years of experience in data engineering.
– Experience designing ETLs for connecting to third-party APIs.
– Experience designing ETL workflows that utilize orchestration tools for efficient management and execution of data pipelines.
– Proficiency in SQL and NoSQL.
– Proficiency in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services, especially BigQuery.
– Experience with other GCP services such as Google Cloud Composer, Dataflow, Pub/Sub, etc.
– Knowledge of designing tables and optimizing data schema for integration with data visualization tools such as Looker Studio or Tableau.
– Experience with exporting data from Firebase and Google Analytics to BigQuery, including managing Google Analytics events exportation.
– Proven ability to write clean, efficient code.
– A good level of English proficiency, at least equivalent to Cambridge B2.
– Programming: Python.
– Versioning: Git.

Requisitos deseados:

– Knowledge and experience working with dbt (Data Build Tool), enhancing proficiency in data modeling, transformation, and version control.
– Experience in the mobile games industry or in the mobile apps industry, providing insights into unique data challenges and opportunities specific to this domain.
– Experience working with Admob, Google Analytics, Google Play Developer and Apple App Store Connect APIs.


– Design, develop, and maintain scalable data pipelines and ETL processes on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
– Utilize Google Cloud Composer or other orchestration tools for workflow orchestration and management, ensuring seamless execution of data pipelines and tasks.
– Ensure data quality, security and integrity throughout the data lifecycle.
– Troubleshoot and resolve issues related to data infrastructure and pipelines on GCP.
– Monitor the performance of the designed data pipelines and their associated costs.
– Optimize data storage, retrieval, and processing for performance and efficiency on GCP.
– Configure and manage data exports from Firebase and Google Analytics to BigQuery, ensuring timely and accurate data ingestion for analysis and reporting purposes.
– Perform regular checks to verify the accuracy and completeness of Google Analytics events.
– Collaborate with other team members to design Google Analytics events.
– Design tables and optimize data schema for efficient integration with data visualization tools such as Looker Studio, ensuring smooth and effective data analysis and reporting capabilities.
– Develop robust code for connecting to third-party APIs, facilitating seamless data extraction and integration into our data ecosystem.
– Stay updated on industry trends and best practices in data engineering and GCP technologies.


At Axes in Motion, we understand that to develop the best, most successful video games, we all need to work as one. Playing always in team mode makes us unstoppable, a group of non-conformists always seeking to overcome new targets.

We offer to you the following benefits:

– Hybrid working model.
– Fully remote work in August and Christmas. We are committed to personal and professional balance!
– The opportunity to be part of a dynamic and young company working in an Agile environment.
– The possibility to grow professionally, participating actively in our company, growing with an exceptional team.
– Language training plans adapted to your level.
– 100€ per month as benefits (Meals, transport and nursery)
– Health and dental insurance
– +3 days off – Recharge and Wellness
– Immediate incorporation and a competitive salary depending on your previous experience.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

AxesInMotion busca Data Engineer

trabajos: Empresa: AxesInMotion
Actividades: Animación 3D
Arte conceptual
Contenidos para móviles
Desarrollo de videojuegos
Animación 3D
Edición de videojuegos
Simulación 3D

Tipo de contrato:

Contrato indefinido

Tipo de jornada:

Jornada completa

Texto de la oferta:

At Axes In Motion we develop and publish F2P mobile games from our office in Seville. Our games have been downloaded more than 400 million times all over the world, with a focus on open world driving simulators. We are currently expanding our talented and passionate team with the addition of a Data Engineer.

As a Data Engineer, you will be responsible for designing, building, and maintaining our data infrastructures, enabling our team of developers and analysts to access critical information efficiently and securely. This role is crucial for driving our data-driven strategic decisions, optimizing the gaming experience for millions of users worldwide.

If you have an analytical mind, a passion for video games, and are ready to dive into complex technical challenges in a fun and creative environment, we can’t wait to meet you!

Requisitos mínimos:

– Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or related field.
– At least 3 years of experience in data engineering.
– Experience designing ETLs for connecting to third-party APIs.
– Experience designing ETL workflows that utilize orchestration tools for efficient management and execution of data pipelines.
– Proficiency in SQL and NoSQL.
– Proficiency in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services, especially BigQuery.
– Experience with other GCP services such as Google Cloud Composer, Dataflow, Pub/Sub, etc.
– Knowledge of designing tables and optimizing data schema for integration with data visualization tools such as Looker Studio or Tableau.
– Experience with exporting data from Firebase and Google Analytics to BigQuery, including managing Google Analytics events exportation.
– Proven ability to write clean, efficient code.
– A good level of English proficiency, at least equivalent to Cambridge B2.
– Programming: Python.
– Versioning: Git.

Requisitos deseados:

– Knowledge and experience working with dbt (Data Build Tool), enhancing proficiency in data modeling, transformation, and version control.
– Experience in the mobile games industry or in the mobile apps industry, providing insights into unique data challenges and opportunities specific to this domain.
– Experience working with Admob, Google Analytics, Google Play Developer and Apple App Store Connect APIs.


– Design, develop, and maintain scalable data pipelines and ETL processes on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
– Utilize Google Cloud Composer or other orchestration tools for workflow orchestration and management, ensuring seamless execution of data pipelines and tasks.
– Ensure data quality, security and integrity throughout the data lifecycle.
– Troubleshoot and resolve issues related to data infrastructure and pipelines on GCP.
– Monitor the performance of the designed data pipelines and their associated costs.
– Optimize data storage, retrieval, and processing for performance and efficiency on GCP.
– Configure and manage data exports from Firebase and Google Analytics to BigQuery, ensuring timely and accurate data ingestion for analysis and reporting purposes.
– Perform regular checks to verify the accuracy and completeness of Google Analytics events.
– Collaborate with other team members to design Google Analytics events.
– Design tables and optimize data schema for efficient integration with data visualization tools such as Looker Studio, ensuring smooth and effective data analysis and reporting capabilities.
– Develop robust code for connecting to third-party APIs, facilitating seamless data extraction and integration into our data ecosystem.
– Stay updated on industry trends and best practices in data engineering and GCP technologies.


At Axes in Motion, we understand that to develop the best, most successful video games, we all need to work as one. Playing always in team mode makes us unstoppable, a group of non-conformists always seeking to overcome new targets.

We offer to you the following benefits:

– Hybrid working model.
– Fully remote work in August and Christmas. We are committed to personal and professional balance!
– The opportunity to be part of a dynamic and young company working in an Agile environment.
– The possibility to grow professionally, participating actively in our company, growing with an exceptional team.
– Language training plans adapted to your level.
– 100€ per month as benefits (Meals, transport and nursery)
– Health and dental insurance
– +3 days off – Recharge and Wellness
– Immediate incorporation and a competitive salary depending on your previous experience.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

Tequila Works S.L. busca Texture/Material Artist

trabajos: Empresa: Tequila Works S.L.
Actividades: Desarrollo de videojuegos

Información acerca de la empresa:
Tequila Works nace bajo un ambiente de profunda tradición y se crea con el tiempo necesario para que alcance su madurez exacta. De esta forma, obtenemos un estudio independiente que conjuga, bajo la atenta mirada del silicio de nuestras barricas, artesanía y modernidad. En su interior, profesionales procedentes de Blizzard Entertainment, MercurySteam Entertainment, Pyro Studios, Sony Computer Entertainment y Weta Digital, se encuentran, combinando ideas y código, con la intención de proporcionar un aroma sorprendente en nuestras obras.

Hacer cosas pequeñas, con buen gusto, esa es nuestra filosofía… ¡y nuestro reto!

Adelante. Pasen. Bienvenidos a la experiencia Tequila Works. Un lugar de encuentro para todos los apasionados de los juegos y del entretenimiento. ¡Os invitamos a un trago de nuestro trabajo!

T.W. – Recomendamos su consumo con moderación

Tipo de contrato:

Contrato indefinido

Tipo de jornada:

Jornada completa

Texto de la oferta:

Tequila Works is seeking a talented Material/Texture Artist to join our dynamic team. She or he will closely work with all departments and play a pivotal role in ensuring the visual excellence of our projects. We’re looking for someone who can elevate our visual outcome through expertly crafted textures and materials.

We are currently based in Madrid, with the possibility of remote work.

To apply, please, click on the following link:

Requisitos mínimos:

• At least 3 years of experience as a texture/material artist using UVs for games with stylized art.
• Training in computer graphics, 3D animation, or graphic design related to art.
• Knowledge of PBR workflow.
• Profound technical knowledge in Substance Designer and Substance Painter, as well as experience with Photoshop.
• Experience with Unreal 5 and demonstrated experience working with modern art pipelines.
• Able to work with geographical and botanical elements, architectural finishes, textile movement, skin and hair behavior, metallic sheens, subsurface scattering. Knowledge of alpha cards, and fresnel behavior.
• Practical knowledge of texel density issues, ability to solve problems in this field.
• High level of English.


• Develop a variety of captivating textures, engaging players and enriching the gameplay experience
• Create materials and textures for 3D models that represent our stylized art style.
• Match established art styles while developing ways to improve the visual direction.
• Build and manage the studio texture library.
• Research and reference real-world textures to create believable and lifelike textures according to the art style.
• Help mentor other artists to improve textures and material quality.
• Troubleshoot and fix texture issues.
• Maintain quality, efficiency, and consistency across your work.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

AxesInMotion busca Data Engineer

Empresa: AxesInMotion
Actividades: Animación 3D
Arte conceptual
Contenidos para móviles
Desarrollo de videojuegos
Animación 3D
Edición de videojuegos
Simulación 3D

Tipo de contrato:

Contrato indefinido

Tipo de jornada:

Jornada completa

Texto de la oferta:

At Axes In Motion we develop and publish F2P mobile games from our office in Seville. Our games have been downloaded more than 400 million times all over the world, with a focus on open world driving simulators. We are currently expanding our talented and passionate team with the addition of a Data Engineer.

As a Data Engineer, you will be responsible for designing, building, and maintaining our data infrastructures, enabling our team of developers and analysts to access critical information efficiently and securely. This role is crucial for driving our data-driven strategic decisions, optimizing the gaming experience for millions of users worldwide.

If you have an analytical mind, a passion for video games, and are ready to dive into complex technical challenges in a fun and creative environment, we can’t wait to meet you!

Requisitos mínimos:

– Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or related field.
– At least 3 years of experience in data engineering.
– Experience designing ETLs for connecting to third-party APIs.
– Experience designing ETL workflows that utilize orchestration tools for efficient management and execution of data pipelines.
– Proficiency in SQL and NoSQL.
– Proficiency in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services, especially BigQuery.
– Experience with other GCP services such as Google Cloud Composer, Dataflow, Pub/Sub, etc.
– Knowledge of designing tables and optimizing data schema for integration with data visualization tools such as Looker Studio or Tableau.
– Experience with exporting data from Firebase and Google Analytics to BigQuery, including managing Google Analytics events exportation.
– Proven ability to write clean, efficient code.
– A good level of English proficiency, at least equivalent to Cambridge B2.
– Programming: Python.
– Versioning: Git.

Requisitos deseados:

– Knowledge and experience working with dbt (Data Build Tool), enhancing proficiency in data modeling, transformation, and version control.
– Experience in the mobile games industry or in the mobile apps industry, providing insights into unique data challenges and opportunities specific to this domain.
– Experience working with Admob, Google Analytics, Google Play Developer and Apple App Store Connect APIs.


– Design, develop, and maintain scalable data pipelines and ETL processes on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
– Utilize Google Cloud Composer or other orchestration tools for workflow orchestration and management, ensuring seamless execution of data pipelines and tasks.
– Ensure data quality, security and integrity throughout the data lifecycle.
– Troubleshoot and resolve issues related to data infrastructure and pipelines on GCP.
– Monitor the performance of the designed data pipelines and their associated costs.
– Optimize data storage, retrieval, and processing for performance and efficiency on GCP.
– Configure and manage data exports from Firebase and Google Analytics to BigQuery, ensuring timely and accurate data ingestion for analysis and reporting purposes.
– Perform regular checks to verify the accuracy and completeness of Google Analytics events.
– Collaborate with other team members to design Google Analytics events.
– Design tables and optimize data schema for efficient integration with data visualization tools such as Looker Studio, ensuring smooth and effective data analysis and reporting capabilities.
– Develop robust code for connecting to third-party APIs, facilitating seamless data extraction and integration into our data ecosystem.
– Stay updated on industry trends and best practices in data engineering and GCP technologies.


At Axes in Motion, we understand that to develop the best, most successful video games, we all need to work as one. Playing always in team mode makes us unstoppable, a group of non-conformists always seeking to overcome new targets.

We offer to you the following benefits:

– Hybrid working model.
– Fully remote work in August and Christmas. We are committed to personal and professional balance!
– The opportunity to be part of a dynamic and young company working in an Agile environment.
– The possibility to grow professionally, participating actively in our company, growing with an exceptional team.
– Language training plans adapted to your level.
– 100€ per month as benefits (Meals, transport and nursery)
– Health and dental insurance
– +3 days off – Recharge and Wellness
– Immediate incorporation and a competitive salary depending on your previous experience.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

FrameOver busca Técnico Programador Unity

trabajos: Empresa: FrameOver
Actividades: Animación 3D
Arte conceptual
Desarrollo de videojuegos
Animación 3D
Realidad virtual

Número de trabajadores: 18
Información acerca de la empresa:
Desde 2011 FrameOver realiza trabajos de Animación y VFX para todo tipo de clientes y marcas. Desde hace un año también desarrolla videojuegos y colabora en diversas producciones internacionales, incluyendo I+D para dispositivos de realidad virtual.

Tipo de contrato:

Otros contratos

Texto de la oferta:

Estamos ampliando equipo para prototipado de proyectos, ampliación de funcionalidades o resolución de bugs en juegos ya existentes.
Es necesaria experiencia en este ámbito y en desarrollo de videojuegos especificamente.
Indispensable dominio de lenguaje C#.

Se valorarán también conocimientos como technical artist, capaz de manejarse con modelos, sets, en cuanto a assets, texturas, lighting, etc…

Requisitos mínimos:

· Eficiencia creativa usando Unity
· Conocimientos técnicos para creación de materiales o shaders.
· Experiencia con personajes/player, etc…
· Experiencia con Mecánicas de jugador

· Carácter proactivo, ya que hay varias tareas de investigación y ayuda a otros compañeros.


Participarás en varios proyectos que requieren de tus conocimientos, en diferentes fases. Algunos de ellos desde cero, otro ya en producción o ya publicados.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

FrameOver busca Técnico Programador Unity

trabajos: Empresa: FrameOver
Actividades: Animación 3D
Arte conceptual
Desarrollo de videojuegos
Animación 3D
Realidad virtual

Número de trabajadores: 18
Información acerca de la empresa:
Desde 2011 FrameOver realiza trabajos de Animación y VFX para todo tipo de clientes y marcas. Desde hace un año también desarrolla videojuegos y colabora en diversas producciones internacionales, incluyendo I+D para dispositivos de realidad virtual.

Tipo de contrato:

Otros contratos

Texto de la oferta:

Estamos ampliando equipo para prototipado de proyectos, ampliación de funcionalidades o resolución de bugs en juegos ya existentes.
Es necesaria experiencia en este ámbito y en desarrollo de videojuegos especificamente.
Indispensable dominio de lenguaje C#.

Se valorarán también conocimientos como technical artist, capaz de manejarse con modelos, sets, en cuanto a assets, texturas, lighting, etc…

Requisitos mínimos:

· Eficiencia creativa usando Unity
· Conocimientos técnicos para creación de materiales o shaders.
· Experiencia con personajes/player, etc…
· Experiencia con Mecánicas de jugador

· Carácter proactivo, ya que hay varias tareas de investigación y ayuda a otros compañeros.


Participarás en varios proyectos que requieren de tus conocimientos, en diferentes fases. Algunos de ellos desde cero, otro ya en producción o ya publicados.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

AxesInMotion busca Data Engineer

Empresa: AxesInMotion
Actividades: Animación 3D
Arte conceptual
Contenidos para móviles
Desarrollo de videojuegos
Animación 3D
Edición de videojuegos
Simulación 3D

Tipo de contrato:

Contrato indefinido

Tipo de jornada:

Jornada completa

Texto de la oferta:

At Axes In Motion we develop and publish F2P mobile games from our office in Seville. Our games have been downloaded more than 400 million times all over the world, with a focus on open world driving simulators. We are currently expanding our talented and passionate team with the addition of a Data Engineer.

As a Data Engineer, you will be responsible for designing, building, and maintaining our data infrastructures, enabling our team of developers and analysts to access critical information efficiently and securely. This role is crucial for driving our data-driven strategic decisions, optimizing the gaming experience for millions of users worldwide.

If you have an analytical mind, a passion for video games, and are ready to dive into complex technical challenges in a fun and creative environment, we can’t wait to meet you!

Requisitos mínimos:

– Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or related field.
– At least 3 years of experience in data engineering.
– Experience designing ETLs for connecting to third-party APIs.
– Experience designing ETL workflows that utilize orchestration tools for efficient management and execution of data pipelines.
– Proficiency in SQL and NoSQL.
– Proficiency in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services, especially BigQuery.
– Experience with other GCP services such as Google Cloud Composer, Dataflow, Pub/Sub, etc.
– Knowledge of designing tables and optimizing data schema for integration with data visualization tools such as Looker Studio or Tableau.
– Experience with exporting data from Firebase and Google Analytics to BigQuery, including managing Google Analytics events exportation.
– Proven ability to write clean, efficient code.
– A good level of English proficiency, at least equivalent to Cambridge B2.
– Programming: Python.
– Versioning: Git.

Requisitos deseados:

– Knowledge and experience working with dbt (Data Build Tool), enhancing proficiency in data modeling, transformation, and version control.
– Experience in the mobile games industry or in the mobile apps industry, providing insights into unique data challenges and opportunities specific to this domain.
– Experience working with Admob, Google Analytics, Google Play Developer and Apple App Store Connect APIs.


– Design, develop, and maintain scalable data pipelines and ETL processes on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
– Utilize Google Cloud Composer or other orchestration tools for workflow orchestration and management, ensuring seamless execution of data pipelines and tasks.
– Ensure data quality, security and integrity throughout the data lifecycle.
– Troubleshoot and resolve issues related to data infrastructure and pipelines on GCP.
– Monitor the performance of the designed data pipelines and their associated costs.
– Optimize data storage, retrieval, and processing for performance and efficiency on GCP.
– Configure and manage data exports from Firebase and Google Analytics to BigQuery, ensuring timely and accurate data ingestion for analysis and reporting purposes.
– Perform regular checks to verify the accuracy and completeness of Google Analytics events.
– Collaborate with other team members to design Google Analytics events.
– Design tables and optimize data schema for efficient integration with data visualization tools such as Looker Studio, ensuring smooth and effective data analysis and reporting capabilities.
– Develop robust code for connecting to third-party APIs, facilitating seamless data extraction and integration into our data ecosystem.
– Stay updated on industry trends and best practices in data engineering and GCP technologies.


At Axes in Motion, we understand that to develop the best, most successful video games, we all need to work as one. Playing always in team mode makes us unstoppable, a group of non-conformists always seeking to overcome new targets.

We offer to you the following benefits:

– Hybrid working model.
– Fully remote work in August and Christmas. We are committed to personal and professional balance!
– The opportunity to be part of a dynamic and young company working in an Agile environment.
– The possibility to grow professionally, participating actively in our company, growing with an exceptional team.
– Language training plans adapted to your level.
– 100€ per month as benefits (Meals, transport and nursery)
– Health and dental insurance
– +3 days off – Recharge and Wellness
– Immediate incorporation and a competitive salary depending on your previous experience.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

AxesInMotion busca Data Engineer

Empresa: AxesInMotion
Actividades: Animación 3D
Arte conceptual
Contenidos para móviles
Desarrollo de videojuegos
Animación 3D
Edición de videojuegos
Simulación 3D

Tipo de contrato:

Contrato indefinido

Tipo de jornada:

Jornada completa

Texto de la oferta:

At Axes In Motion we develop and publish F2P mobile games from our office in Seville. Our games have been downloaded more than 400 million times all over the world, with a focus on open world driving simulators. We are currently expanding our talented and passionate team with the addition of a Data Engineer.

As a Data Engineer, you will be responsible for designing, building, and maintaining our data infrastructures, enabling our team of developers and analysts to access critical information efficiently and securely. This role is crucial for driving our data-driven strategic decisions, optimizing the gaming experience for millions of users worldwide.

If you have an analytical mind, a passion for video games, and are ready to dive into complex technical challenges in a fun and creative environment, we can’t wait to meet you!

Requisitos mínimos:

– Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or related field.
– At least 3 years of experience in data engineering.
– Experience designing ETLs for connecting to third-party APIs.
– Experience designing ETL workflows that utilize orchestration tools for efficient management and execution of data pipelines.
– Proficiency in SQL and NoSQL.
– Proficiency in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services, especially BigQuery.
– Experience with other GCP services such as Google Cloud Composer, Dataflow, Pub/Sub, etc.
– Knowledge of designing tables and optimizing data schema for integration with data visualization tools such as Looker Studio or Tableau.
– Experience with exporting data from Firebase and Google Analytics to BigQuery, including managing Google Analytics events exportation.
– Proven ability to write clean, efficient code.
– A good level of English proficiency, at least equivalent to Cambridge B2.
– Programming: Python.
– Versioning: Git.

Requisitos deseados:

– Knowledge and experience working with dbt (Data Build Tool), enhancing proficiency in data modeling, transformation, and version control.
– Experience in the mobile games industry or in the mobile apps industry, providing insights into unique data challenges and opportunities specific to this domain.
– Experience working with Admob, Google Analytics, Google Play Developer and Apple App Store Connect APIs.


– Design, develop, and maintain scalable data pipelines and ETL processes on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
– Utilize Google Cloud Composer or other orchestration tools for workflow orchestration and management, ensuring seamless execution of data pipelines and tasks.
– Ensure data quality, security and integrity throughout the data lifecycle.
– Troubleshoot and resolve issues related to data infrastructure and pipelines on GCP.
– Monitor the performance of the designed data pipelines and their associated costs.
– Optimize data storage, retrieval, and processing for performance and efficiency on GCP.
– Configure and manage data exports from Firebase and Google Analytics to BigQuery, ensuring timely and accurate data ingestion for analysis and reporting purposes.
– Perform regular checks to verify the accuracy and completeness of Google Analytics events.
– Collaborate with other team members to design Google Analytics events.
– Design tables and optimize data schema for efficient integration with data visualization tools such as Looker Studio, ensuring smooth and effective data analysis and reporting capabilities.
– Develop robust code for connecting to third-party APIs, facilitating seamless data extraction and integration into our data ecosystem.
– Stay updated on industry trends and best practices in data engineering and GCP technologies.


At Axes in Motion, we understand that to develop the best, most successful video games, we all need to work as one. Playing always in team mode makes us unstoppable, a group of non-conformists always seeking to overcome new targets.

We offer to you the following benefits:

– Hybrid working model.
– Fully remote work in August and Christmas. We are committed to personal and professional balance!
– The opportunity to be part of a dynamic and young company working in an Agile environment.
– The possibility to grow professionally, participating actively in our company, growing with an exceptional team.
– Language training plans adapted to your level.
– 100€ per month as benefits (Meals, transport and nursery)
– Health and dental insurance
– +3 days off – Recharge and Wellness
– Immediate incorporation and a competitive salary depending on your previous experience.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

Tequila Works S.L. busca Texture/Material Artist

Empresa: Tequila Works S.L.
Actividades: Desarrollo de videojuegos

Información acerca de la empresa:
Tequila Works nace bajo un ambiente de profunda tradición y se crea con el tiempo necesario para que alcance su madurez exacta. De esta forma, obtenemos un estudio independiente que conjuga, bajo la atenta mirada del silicio de nuestras barricas, artesanía y modernidad. En su interior, profesionales procedentes de Blizzard Entertainment, MercurySteam Entertainment, Pyro Studios, Sony Computer Entertainment y Weta Digital, se encuentran, combinando ideas y código, con la intención de proporcionar un aroma sorprendente en nuestras obras.

Hacer cosas pequeñas, con buen gusto, esa es nuestra filosofía… ¡y nuestro reto!

Adelante. Pasen. Bienvenidos a la experiencia Tequila Works. Un lugar de encuentro para todos los apasionados de los juegos y del entretenimiento. ¡Os invitamos a un trago de nuestro trabajo!

T.W. – Recomendamos su consumo con moderación

Tipo de contrato:

Contrato indefinido

Tipo de jornada:

Jornada completa

Texto de la oferta:

Tequila Works is seeking a talented Material/Texture Artist to join our dynamic team. She or he will closely work with all departments and play a pivotal role in ensuring the visual excellence of our projects. We’re looking for someone who can elevate our visual outcome through expertly crafted textures and materials.

We are currently based in Madrid, with the possibility of remote work.

To apply, please, click on the following link:

Requisitos mínimos:

• At least 3 years of experience as a texture/material artist using UVs for games with stylized art.
• Training in computer graphics, 3D animation, or graphic design related to art.
• Knowledge of PBR workflow.
• Profound technical knowledge in Substance Designer and Substance Painter, as well as experience with Photoshop.
• Experience with Unreal 5 and demonstrated experience working with modern art pipelines.
• Able to work with geographical and botanical elements, architectural finishes, textile movement, skin and hair behavior, metallic sheens, subsurface scattering. Knowledge of alpha cards, and fresnel behavior.
• Practical knowledge of texel density issues, ability to solve problems in this field.
• High level of English.


• Develop a variety of captivating textures, engaging players and enriching the gameplay experience
• Create materials and textures for 3D models that represent our stylized art style.
• Match established art styles while developing ways to improve the visual direction.
• Build and manage the studio texture library.
• Research and reference real-world textures to create believable and lifelike textures according to the art style.
• Help mentor other artists to improve textures and material quality.
• Troubleshoot and fix texture issues.
• Maintain quality, efficiency, and consistency across your work.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico


trabajos: Empresa: EDAG Spain
Actividades: Animación 3D
Desarrollo de aplicaciones
Diseño 3D
Diseño gráfico
Investigación y desarrollo
Realidad virtual
Simulación 3D

Número de trabajadores: 500
Información acerca de la empresa:
We are experts in the development of vehicles, production plants and the optimisation of your processes. When it comes to automobile development, you need someone with a fully integrated approach to the question of mobility. With a passion for development. That’s us.

Our expertise includes the integrated development and optimisation of vehicles, production facilities, derivatives and modules. This has made us what we are today: the acknowledged, independent engineering experts for the automotive industry. And your business contact for the mobility of the future.

Tipo de contrato:

Convenio de estudios

Tipo de jornada:

Jornada parcial – Mañana

Texto de la oferta:

En EDAG Engineering Spain ofrecemos servicios de ingeniería para el sector de la automoción, y estamos especializados en el desarrollo de vehículos, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.

Buscamos un/a “Becario/a Programador/a de Ensayos para CO2 Planning” para nuestras oficinas en Barcelona (Zona Franca) e incorporación a partir de septiembre 2024.

Requisitos mínimos:

– Estudiante de CFGSuperior (a poder ser último curso) en Programación o similar.
– Inglés nivel medio (B2).
– Conocimiento de las herramientas:
• MS Office (Excel)
• Concerto
• Visual Basic
• Python
– Persona organizada, autónoma, analítica, proactiva y con ganas de aprender.

Requisitos deseados:

– Conocimientos en análisis de datos y otros lenguajes de programación.
– Interés y/o conocimientos de automoción.


– Ayudar al departamento en la automatización de procesos y de cálculos relacionados con en el consumo y CO2.
– Dar soporte al departamento al desarrollo de herramientas en Excel y Concerto programando en Visual Basic y Python.
– Ayudar a reportar al ingeniero/a jefe de proyecto.


– Fomentamos la formación y la especialización. Ofrecemos un entorno de trabajo apasionante e instructivo y un amplio abanico de oportunidades de futuro.
– Beneficios: Onboarding, Promoción profesional, Eventos de empresa, Horario flexible.

servicio de noticias del blog de mexico

FrameOver busca Técnico Programador Unity

Empresa: FrameOver
Actividades: Animación 3D
Arte conceptual
Desarrollo de videojuegos
Animación 3D
Realidad virtual

Número de trabajadores: 18
Información acerca de la empresa:
Desde 2011 FrameOver realiza trabajos de Animación y VFX para todo tipo de clientes y marcas. Desde hace un año también desarrolla videojuegos y colabora en diversas producciones internacionales, incluyendo I+D para dispositivos de realidad virtual.

Tipo de contrato:

Otros contratos

Texto de la oferta:

Estamos ampliando equipo para prototipado de proyectos, ampliación de funcionalidades o resolución de bugs en juegos ya existentes.
Es necesaria experiencia en este ámbito y en desarrollo de videojuegos especificamente.
Indispensable dominio de lenguaje C#.

Se valorarán también conocimientos como technical artist, capaz de manejarse con modelos, sets, en cuanto a assets, texturas, lighting, etc…

Requisitos mínimos:

· Eficiencia creativa usando Unity
· Conocimientos técnicos para creación de materiales o shaders.
· Experiencia con personajes/player, etc…
· Experiencia con Mecánicas de jugador

· Carácter proactivo, ya que hay varias tareas de investigación y ayuda a otros compañeros.


Participarás en varios proyectos que requieren de tus conocimientos, en diferentes fases. Algunos de ellos desde cero, otro ya en producción o ya publicados.